Eric's Page

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My Little Angel

This is my page for my little Angel, Eric. He joined our family on January 10, 2000 at 4:43 am. He has the sweetest smile, which he gives us often! He's very special to all of us!

Eric weighed 9 lbs 1oz at birth, and was 21 1/2 inches long. Labor was quite short, about 5 hours. The last 20 minutes were the most difficult...he was impatient to be born, I guess. Our doctor came in about 5 minutes after he was born, so he missed the whole thing!

Eric is getting to be a very big boy. At his three year checkup, he was 40lbs, and I think he is about 40 inches or so. He never really stops long enough to measure anything.
He is talking really well now, you can hold a conversation with him for the most part. He is very headstrong and stubborn, but he is also very sweet! Whenever we go out, he always tells me "You look booful, mommy" when i get in the car...what a little charmer! He adores his little sister, he is very gentle with her, but he also loves to roughouse with her when she is up to it. Teaching her all the bad things Aron taught him!
He is working on potty training very hard...if he is trained by September, he gets to go to "school"(playgroup) which he is very excited about!

Eric really likes trains, and when I saw this set, I knew it was perfect for him!! He also likes to watch Blues Clues, Bob the Builder, and Pokemon, and he loves to do anything his brother does!

I have also taken Eric's pictures off of this page, and linked to them so the page loads faster. Just click below to see them!
Take a look at Eric's first birthday here

This was taken at Aron's last soccer game in June, 2002.

This was at Aron's 5th Birthday, February 2003. Notice the bandage on his chin? 3 stiches from falling in the tub the night before!

This was taken in February 2003...just eric being silly again!

What can I say about this one?? It's just eric...He was running around like this, swinging the fising rod and saying...."HYYYA!! YAA YAA!!!"

These two were taken April, 2003

Eric watching Aron's first soccer game of 2003 (May).

Eric's latest picture, taken July, 2002, at 2 and a half years old.

Eric holding his sister the first time!

Aron Pushing Eric in the buddies!

Eric after his first haircut...taken in May.

On daddy's shoulders when we were camping in August!

Eric happily eating brakfast (16 mos)

Eric and his bunny from Gramma Leona and Grampa Gerry.

NEWEric at Halloween, 2000

NEWHalloween, 2000

NEWHalloween, 2000

This is definitly my favorite picture of the bunch!

Here he is looking adorible!

All dressed up to go out with mommy and Aron!

Fast asleep in the carbed.

Eric and Great-Gramma.

Playing under the gym, one of his favorite things to do. Besides sleeping, of course!

Aron and Eric together. They are like two peas in a pod!

Eric and Great-Gramma at Aron's birthday party.

Eric's favorite place to be for sleeping. This is one of my favorite pictures of him!

My sweet little angel's first professional pictures.

Aron picked out this background for his brother! I think he looks so sweet...

I adopted this sweet little bear to live here on Eric's page.

Click on his birth cetificate to get one of your own!
This link no longer works, if you know the right one, please email me (link below)

This is Eric's Birthday Bear!

Click here to get one!


Page last updated May 31, 2003