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Brandy's PAGE!!

Things I wanna do before i die:

Hello, Welcome to my page..YEAH, ITS EXCITING ISNT IT?!?! okay, I need something to say...oh i know!! I love..I love God,my life,eggs,to fish,animals (dogs& dolphins mostly!)my doggies!!,oj, water,chocolate milk,ice cream,the beach,rollarcoasters!,cookies,snow cones,chicken,mashed tators,my family& friends, mac&cheese,cheese dip!, clothes,music,my house,peanut butter&jelly sandwichs! ,being happy,crafty stuff, outside!,summer,cookies,flip flops,swimming,hot tubs,gatorade,snow,when it storms cause i watch the lighting hit the towers..its cool TRUST ME!! :), i cant think of anything else..
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