Fan Mail



Message Text:



Name: Concerned Brother

Subject: My Sister


Aren't you the guy who's porking my sister?

Hey Concerened.  I would like to start by saying that I'm not porking your sister.  I don't do things just because everyone else is doing it.  If I said I was porking your sister, what I mean to say was "HOLY SHIT! Your sister is PORKY!"

Name: brain damaged

Subject: gnomes???


what kind of chepe drug r u on i want some where can i get it and how much does it cost free the gnomes? u have some real issues because gnomes dont garden and there not under opretion u by them at wite rose and u put them on ur yard u have some issues and i want what ur on.

Actually, braindamaged, I'm not on any "chepe drug" Drugs make you supid.  Save the gnomes is a charitable organization, and any contribution would be appreciated.  Just some advice: maybe, since you are in college, you should look into taking 'spelling101.' I believe it's in the School of General Arts and Sciences.  That's in B-Block.  I don't know if they'll work at a grade three level, though.  Chow

Name: lustful

Subject: Sister???

Hey man!  I need some advice.  My sister caught me masturbating, and ever since then, she's been trying to get me to do it again.  She said she was surprised by how big I am.  She said that for the longest time, she wanted to have sex with me.  I'm afraid to. She's my sister.  I feel the same for her too.  She's HOT! Is it wrong? Should I give into temptation?
Hey, lustfull.  You're going through a real hard time, and a lot of people are going to tell you a lot of different things.  Well, no... they'll all tell you you're fucked up.  But don't worry... this is only because YOU'RE FUCKED UP! That's sick man! But hey, if it foats your boat, then hit it up.  It may be illegal, but with the way society is going it won't be in a few years, anyway.  So yeah, FUCK HER BRAINS OUT! Lates

Name: impressed!

Subject: Nice!


Hey Rick!  Nice site layout! Site looks good, pics look good, Everything looks good.  Way to go.

Hey! Yo! FUCK YOU! If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything! Oh, wait... sorry.  That was just the force of habit.  Thanks!  I'm glad you like the site!

Name: Pissed

Subject: Sister???

Hey! Remember me??? You said my cousin is a slut!
Pissed!  It's so good to hear from you! I probably did call your cousin a slut. I mean, face it, she's a slut.  But I have no recollection of it. Sorry Ace

Name: Jaimie

Subject: Joel want's to bite me



Hmm... Sounds to me like he's hungry.

Name: Mike

Subject: Spinners

I like a spinner.  You can just sit her on your lap, and turn her around!  No offence to your mother.
I like spinners too! And don't worry, my mother wasn't offended.  But she did say that you were the worst lay of her life.  Wow!  That's a lot to be compared to!

Name: Joel

Subject: Jaimie wants me to biter her



We all need to be bitten, once in a while.

Name: CM

Subject: your fainmail


Rick dude, I just read your "fanmail" section of your website, lemme  tell ya... u got a lotta probs buddy.  although I laughed my fuckin' ass off... although I think you should change your website to "a day in the needs a life" ... get a BJ from Cheryl this weekend? Latez.

Thanks??? I'll take your name suggestion into account.  As for the issue of the BJ... it's none of your damn business what I got! I guess you were hoping you could give me a BJ... but CM, you gotta understand, I just don't go for these 'backdoor shanagans.'

Name: CherBear

Subject: *muah*


You're my survival. You're my living proof my love is alive, not dead.  Tell me that we belong together, dress it up with the trappings of love.  I'll be captivated.  I'll hang from your lips, instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above.
Aww!  Sweetie!  Thanks! You know I love it when you sing to my inbox!  I love that song, too!  It makes me think of you.  Esp. the way the strands in your eyes colour them wonderful.  I can say, with confidence, that we belong together.  I love you much, Cheryl.  You're always so great to me.  Every man in the world should have there very own you.  But they don't.  I guess that's what makes me so lucky.  Thanks for the posting.  *muah*

Name: Mother Theresa

Subject: Potty Mouth


I'm considering washing your mouth out with soap?  What do you think of that.

Shut the fuck up.  Where I come from, soap is a delicacy.  Check your punctuation.  It think it's a little backwards.  I don't know though.  Inbred.