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Adult Beverage Recipes


"Very Clever Stuff..."
By Rush In
Adult Beverage
- Rush Limbaugh
"The Limbaugh Library"
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April 6, 2001
Bob Cobb's Dittohead Bartender's Guide READ IT NOW!
Expounding upon the Limbaugh Lexicon term for alcoholic beverages, "Bob Cobb's Dittohead Bartender's Guide" takes the "adult beverage" to a whole new level. Created exclusively for dittoheads by a dittohead, and not by an "art & croissants crowd-type" publishing executive, no other tome in the history of books provides as much irreverent humor. Irk the Gephardt Gestapo and Tom Daschle's minions by learning how to make a "Puff The Magic Daschle" adult beverage, or annoy your favorite environmentalist wacko by partaking of real evil capitalistic freezer-produced ice cubes in your very own "Environmentalist Wacko Whiskey". Don't be a "seminar reader"! This is a must read for any dittohead...
Only $10.95
I would like to extend a special thanks to Rush Limbaugh for plugging "Bob Cobb's Dittohead Bartender's Guide" and adding it to the "Limbaugh Library" on his website. Few instances better illustrate his assertion that one individual's success breeds prosperity and opportunities for all of society. The world is not a "zero-sum" game. Rush's success has led to and made possible the first and only comprehensive guide to engineering humorous dittohead adult beverages. Absent the positive principles and daily optimism exuded by Rush Limbaugh, my life might very well be different. Read the story about how I overcame the travails of the Clinton Recession here. Thanks for your support, and stay optimistic. The future looks brighter than ever, and don't forget to tune your radio dials to EIB every Monday through Friday...!
Thanks again,
EIB Engineer Of
Dittohead Adult Beverages
Bob Cobb with his
Rush Limbaugh Power Tie
Order Now!

Copyright © 2003, Bob Cobb - Master Architect of Humorous Dittohead Adult Beverages
