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~*~Rachel's Life~*~
Friday, 3 September 2004
Where did my week go?
Im sitting here trying to figure out where did my week go...i think that im going to loose my mind...everything seems all blurry and all the days kinda blend together...oh brain is in over load big time....i went jogging yesterday....BIG pluse for did do anything really brother is staying at my dads and hell be home yesterday morning i was out in front of my house with ashley and her lil sis and i was taking pic, and i was swinging the camra,and it came back up and busted my i have a busted lip....oh lordy im a nut case....ok well gonna go~bye...

Posted by ab7/babi_gurl_ray at 7:16 AM
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Wednesday, 1 September 2004
~*~HEY HEY~*~
Mood:  bright

Today was Great...i have to say this was the best day that i have had in a i didnt do went to my dads in the morning...then came home...and took stupid and ashy are finally cool...YAY....oh lordy...ummm im going to homecomming with ash this imma try to loose like 20 pounds....but itll be more like 10 if i get any off...oh well im not worried about what if im well imma bounce...byes....

Posted by ab7/babi_gurl_ray at 3:30 PM
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Sunday, 29 August 2004
*oh lordy*
Mood:  irritated
Oh lordy is all i can say about yesterday....i went to the gym and the mall twice and out to dinner....the i came and ash had another fight....i really dont know whats goin on...i think that it is something that she isnt telling me,but who really knows with her....she says thats its my fault...ok half is prolly my fault....i will take the blame...for half....but she needs to take the other half of the blame....but yea u know what they say im juss a heartless bitch....i talked to joni(ashes aunt)last night...she said that i should give ash a couple of days....i have been doing that,that is the reason i havent been going over to her house...but when i went over there yesterday before i wnet anywhere she seemed like she didnt want me over i left...i really am scared that we arent gonna have a friendship when all this is over...and i dont know whats going on with us...maybe she is juss sick of me or something...oh well its whatever....i am sry for lastnight though...but i dont think that is gonna get us talking again....well today i think that i am going somewhere with megan....and then im comming home and going to bed....cause i havent slept good in three nights....uhhh....well i think i might go to the gym sore from today i can work out my irritation....but its all good...i going to VA Western....i have to call them....juss more stuff to add looking for a job as of now....but yea its all gonna be serious about leaving and going back to tazwell and going to school there...everybody thinks that im playing,but guess what im not...i really dont feel that there is anything here for me anymore and i have felt like that for a long time....then ash came back from ohio and i still felt that i feel that way even more...cause we juss fight all the time...all that is here anymore is bad meomerys and a lot of mountains that i really dont like lookig there is always FL...but i dont know if i wanna live dad is moving there in feb..march...something like not sure if imma go...if im in school then im not going..if i dont get into a school down here them imma have to go...but i still have a lil bit....i wanna go to UVA....but its real hard getting in there...and i dont have the money....ill prolly have to pay out the imma go...byes

Posted by ab7/babi_gurl_ray at 3:55 AM
Updated: Sunday, 29 August 2004 3:56 AM
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Friday, 27 August 2004
~*~juss came home~*~
Mood:  spacey
I juss got home....i left early this morning and its almost 12am now....i went to walmart,out to dinner,and to marshells three looks like i would find something in there after three times...but thats juss going to the gym i think right???thats gonna be my saterday.....oh yea imma sleep too...well i think that imma go to bed....good night....byes.....


boring day....
Mood:  chatty

Hey...whats goin on?? im juss sitting here waiting for my mom to get off of goin out to dinnwe with my right?...then i think that i might go shopping...nothing to fun for a friday night....never really is for think that every day gets a lil bit more boring...and its sooo hot...i cant wait till its fall....yay for sweaters and im in a surprisingly good mood...instead of my normale crabby bitchy mood..this week has been so crazy im soo happy that its the weekend!!!....well i think imma go....ttyl...byes....p.s.....ash the ducky is for

Posted by ab7/babi_gurl_ray at 10:29 AM
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