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vibe playin`: "Who Do You Tell" by: Tamia color: black, white and silver dedicated to: that "someone(like meron ngang "sum1" LOL) last updated: November 9, 2003

.:[.l.a.t.e.s.t. n.e.w.s.]:. thank God exams are over... what a great relief! but it`s another start of a new semester... *sigh* I just hope that my class this coming semester will be as much fun as my old class... i had lot`s of fun with tina, kathlyn and raylord... thanks for the laughters you guys shared with me. i`m sure i`ma miss your company. i guess i`ll see yah guys around...

+|name|+ shelly (name given by konvictds) +|age|+ 1* (17, 18, 19, take a wild guess) +|birthdate|+ `round summer +|aznality|+ 100% pure filipina +|sex|+ la-dee +|status|+ flyin` unplugged (hirin? hmmm... dont think so, ask my dad and the konvictds) +|loc|+ lima-isa-apat AREA (sa tabing ilog) +|likes|+ nice and funny gals +|dislikes|+ cancer stick smoker, pop a$$ junkies, liars, braggart, talk sh!t like _ _ o r _ _ (fill in the letters and figure it cud be U!) and the list goes on.............. +|contac|t+ note me!

.:[.t.h.o.u.g.h.t.s.]:. I can`t remember the last time that I felt good for more than a week I mean really good for more than a month And it makes me wanna tear the stars from the sky. And I`m halfway there, but I`m halfway down. And I can`t back up cause I`m against the wall.
"You don`t have to love in words, because even through the silences, love is always heard."
I guess that`s all for now. Tag my g-book before you roll on or send me notes!!!(i love notes) and keep dropping by my spot... ta-ta!!!