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AzN BloCk KilLA

                                                      A.k.a A-Unit

                                                This website is basically about Azn kids in Boston.

  My name is Nhat and this is me, with Jennifer.



This is my friend William. He's my Vice President for the BB_club!!He is with me 100% to support me on BB club,and also he is the VP of BB Club.


> Sampson is the youngest person in this clun=b. But he also the organize person because he can help me and William with our idea and place to play. He is the most mature person even though he is the youngest one.


Together we form a BB Club!!


These people are just friends and player in the Club!!

This Chu Yu our fan                              another Fan name Channy                                 One of the player, name Nelson


these are the guns we used during the game, some of them are automatic, like the mp5
here are some image from the game

.that is Willy and Siu getting shot in the head. 

Me and hoan getting ready for our.




