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Star Wars: Episode Three: The Jedi Order Crumbles by George Lucas EXT - SPACE Opening crawl reads as such: (*THIS SHOULD BE SCROLLING UPWARD AGAINST THE SPACE*) THE JEDI KNIGHTS, DEFENDERS OF THE FUTURE OF THE STARS, ARE IN PERIL. THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE IS BECOMING STRONGER AND STRONGER, AND EVERYTHING IS CLOUDED WITH MYSTERY. ANAKIN SKYWALKER, ONCE THE BEST HOPE FOR BRINGING BALANCE TO THE FORCE, IS TURNING MORE AND MORE TWISTED AND EVIL ON HIS JOURNEY TOWARD BECOMING A DARK JEDI. HE HAS RAN AWAY WITH QUEEN PADME TO HER HOME PLANET AND THEY ARE MARRIED. MEANWHILE, THERE ARE PROBLEMS WITH THE CLONE WARS. THE ARMY OF CLONES IS FIGHTING A BUNCH OF PEOPLE AND BECOMING STRONGER ALL THE TIME... Scene pans to SPACESHIP flying past. INT - SPACESHIP BOBA FETT, now a teenager, is sitting in his cabin leaning against a wall and staring off into space. The screen wiggles and wobbles and shows a flashback of the black Jedi killing his father and him picking up his helmet. The scene returns to him sitting there. DROID enters carrying a tray of various foods.

DROID Master, I have procured these treats for your enjoyment. Boba Fett slaps the tray out of the droid's metal hands and it clatters.
Can't you see I am thinking!? I do not need treats. Now I am thinking about a way to avenge my father's death at the hands of the black Jedi. I want to kill him.
DROID Boba Fett, do not act to rashly, you are due to meet your platoon shortly and you must set a good example of them. They are not meant to fight the Jedi.
Very well, droid. Now clean up these treats, I am a busy man. Droid begins to clean up the treats off the ground. EXT - SPACESHIP The spaceship docks in a big spaceship dock. All around there are clones standing in formation, waiting to be met by Boba Fett. A ramp lowers and Boba Fett steps off of the ramp. Boba Fett walks up to a big group of clones and addresses them.
Please listen to me, I am your commander. I know that we are not supposed to fight the Jedi because they are supposed to be our friends, but I want to tell you that a Jedi killed my father. He killed OUR father. And for this the Jedi has to pay. We must strike at them when they least expect it. EXT - PADME'S BALCONY Anakin and Padme are standing on their balcony looking out into the sunset. Anakin is older now and he has a moustache. Padme is a little bit pregnant through her dress. Suddenly panic flashes in Anakin's eyes.
What is the matter, my dearest?
(Yelling) NOTHING! Nothing is the matter, I just had a bad daydream.
What did you daydream of?
I daydreamed that the clones who are supposed to be my friends are going to gang up and try to kill the Jedi. I don't want them to kill the Jedi.
...Because Obie Wan is a Jedi?
Shut up.
I sense that you still have a soft spot in your ever more steely heart for Obie Wan. Once you loved him like a brother.
Those days are over for some reason. EXT - SPACE A Jedi star fighter flies fast through space and then lands on the planet CORUSCANT. OBIE WAN steps out and walks into a door marked "JEDI COUNCIL."