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The Lincoln Assassination

Diablo View Middle School / Clayton, California

Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States of America, was assassinated on April 14, 1865. This single, terrible event changed the course of our history forever. It is important to understand the legacy of Abraham Lincoln; the preservation of the Union and his commitment to freedom. Lincoln was not a popular President while alive. From the very beginning of his presidency his life was threatened and many assassination plots were uncovered. Lincoln often refused protection because he wanted to project an image of strength. What we learned was that sometimes it is necessary to put the welfare of the country before personal feelings. At the time of his death, many thought our nation would never recover. However, the nation grew stronger and learned from this tragedy. We learned to better protect our leaders and the importance of their safety. We need to study history to prevent history from repeating its mistakes. This was one of the first tragedies that our nation experienced and we proved our resilience. Since then we have fought back and proved that as a nation we can overcome any obstacles.

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