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The Introduction to A Slayer's Angel

The Earth stood still as I held her in my arms that last night at Prom. The love that I feel for her is infinite. Every time I think of Buffy, this is what I feel. Why did I decide to leave her? I should’ve let her make her own decision. Why did I have to be so strong? I roam these streets each and every night thinking only of her. I still remember the look on her face after the graduation. She cold barely work up a smile. I could fill the sadness in her heart, for I was feeling the same. I still feel it today. I wonder if she feels the same way today. Or, has she found a new guy. Someone who will truly love her, well, in the one way that I can’t.

But, how will I know, unless I find out. Whistler told me a long while ago, to keep a close eye one her, for she’ll have it rough. But, I didn’t realize that I was going to get this close. But, still, I didn’t make things easier for he when I left. I left her with her friends, and watcher. But, they aren’t strong enough to help her in difficult battles. I left her alone, with no help in the darkness. If I truly loved her, than I would’ve stayed with her until she told me to go. For that’s what love is. Having someone by your side who won’t leave when the times get hard.

I love Buffy, so the time is now, for me to go back to Sunnydale. It will be hard for me to leave Cordelia and Doyle behind, for they are a part of me forever. But, I won’t truly be me without my slayer, my love, by my side.