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A Slayer's Angel

I made my way over to this killer who I once called my friend. Now, all I wanted to do was take him out. “Spike,” I angrily screamed, “What the hell have you come back here for? You should’ve stayed with Druscilla.”

“Angel,” Spike sarcastically began, as he lit up on of his cigarettes. “I should ask you the same question. I heard that you were living in the city of angels! I think you probably should’ve stayed there. It seems as if your precious Buffy has found a new toy!”

Spike began lauging. I became enraged because of his laughter. As I went to grab him, Spike suddenly stopped laughing. It was the weirdest thing. As he fell, I saw something in his back. I noticed that he was unable to move. I quickly looked around to see if my future was going to turn out the same way as Spike’s. I didn’t look for too long. It was right then when I was shot in the back by the very same device. I fell to the ground and was paralyzed.

We were carried off by these men in masks. They were wearing military clothes, and they were holding guns. Spike looked at me and said as we were carried back into the darkness, “You are a bloody nuisance. Every time I see your mug, I end up like this. Captured. This is right terrific.”

I let Spike talk, as I thought of an escape. But there was no way of moving. I was paralyzed from the neck down. All I could do was await my fate. And that was a scary thought.

Angel and Spike were carried off into the darkness, having no idea what was in store for them. The only two people who knew Angel was back were, Giles and Oz. But, Angel told them to keep his presence here a secret. He hoped that maybe one of them broke their promise.

Meanwhile, Buffy had parted ways with Riley. She had kissed him goodnight and she made her way into the dorm room. This was before Angel and Spike were carried off. As she made her way into the dorm room, she saw Oz and Willow quietly talking on the foot of Willow’s bed.

When she approached them, Willow looked up and quickly spoke in an effort to keep Buffy from asking about hers and Oz’s conversation. “Hey, Buffy,” Willow nervously began. “How’d it go tonight? How’s Riley? Are you two getting closer?”

Buffy looked a Willow awkwardly and said, “Gees Will! All these questions, what’s with the third degree?”

Willow smiled and responded, “Um! No reason. Just wanting to know how the relationship is doing. Cause if it isn’t, doing well, you can easily find someone else.”

Willow was talking as if she knew that Angel was back in town. “Will. Riley and I are fine. We are in the beginning stages of a relationship. It’s gonna take some time to be fully comfortable with one another. I’m not going to give up now.”

Willow removed herself from the foot off the bed, walked over to Buffy and said, “You’ve been dating for two months. He’s not Angel! He can never be Angel. If you haven’t realized your feelings for Riley by now. Then you have to break it off. You owe him that much Buffy.”

Buffy understood everything that Willow was talking about. She agreed with all of it, but didn’t want to admit it, “Will, I know that he’s not Angel. No one can be Angel. He’s my first love. But, he doesn’t want me. I have to try and move on. Dating Riley has been the best thing to happen to me in a very long while. I need him.”

“But do you love him,” Willow replied? “Wait, a better question would be, Do you think you can love him? If so, then go for it. But if not, you need to let him go. Again, you owe him that.”

Buffy didn’t answer Willow. She made her way over to the window and peered out. A chill came over her and she shivered. She sensed that there was something out there. She decided to go down and see what it could be. As she was leaving, Willow and Oz looked at Buffy. Buffy acknowledged their stares and responded, “Don’t worry you two. I’ll be fine. Riley and I will work out. Just give us time.

As she left, Oz looked at Willow and said, “That’s what she doesn’t have Willow. She doesn’t have time.”

Willow agreed with Oz and said, “What does Angel plan on doing Oz.”

“I don’t exactly know Will,” Oz answered as he pulled her close.

“Thank God we found each other, and we love each other,” Willow responded. “It makes life so much easier.”

Buffy made her way down to the corridor where her and Riley had been talking. She looked around and noticed something on the top of the hill, just above the corridor. Buffy made her way to the top of the hill and said, “I knew it. I knew I sensed something. This cigarette can only mean one thing, “Spike’s back!”