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Weapon: Sword of Dawn

Armor: Taskaar Plate

Additions: Twilight Cloak

Traits: None

Fist: Gauntlett of Shalkin (poisons)

Legs: Black, leather, slacks

Feet: Dragon skin boots

Adrian Tepes

Alucard (Real Name: Adrian Farenheights Tepes) Age: Estimated to be 400 years old. The offspring of an unnatural union between Count Dracula and a human woman, Alucard possesses inhuman strength and dark magical powers. His weapon of choice is a sword, and he uses a variety of them to serve his needs. He is an adept shapeshifter, commonly using the forms of wolf, bat and mist to confuse and terrify his opponents. Alucard also relies heavily on ancient relics and magical items to perform elaborate magical attacks.