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" In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing."
General Love Characteristics of a Gemini

Keep in mind that the Gemini is the sign of the twin. There is a part of them that needs love and security, and then there’s the stronger part of them that needs stimulation and novelty. To remain in a relationship with a Gemini you must be able to satisfy their emotional, mental and sexual needs. They love to laugh, travel, spend money, and are eager for new experiences.

Since they know a little about many things and almost everything interests them, you can make a great impression by discussing a topic in depth. The Gemini appreciates honesty and sincerity in a person, so make sure you speak your mind, even if you don’t share the same point of view. Additionally, don’t always stick to one topic of interest, since variety is something they enjoy and find intriguing. These very social and energetic people tend to have a sharp tongue. They are quick to criticize and tend to use words as weapons, so if you’re an emotional person that takes things to heart, you may want to avoid this relationship.

When in love, they tend to be quite possessive and inclined to be jealous. Once a Gemini has found someone that they can trust and that fills all their needs, they will be an exciting and devoted partner.


Enjoy the game of flirting with your Twin. Be flexible and open- your Gemini will want to play, and you may not be the only partner. Be elusive, seductive, and always slightly out of reach. A Gemini enjoys a chase. Be well read, well informed, and a very good  listener. Be talkative - your Twin will engage you in hours of fascinating     and entertaining conversation. Use your mind as well as your body to make love. A Gemini will respond the  strongest to a partner who stimulates their mind. Always give Gemini the freedom that they need. They will broaden your horizons and teach you how to thoroughly appreciate everything life has to offer. Keep up - if you bore your Gemini, they will be gone faster than you can blink.                                           


Never tell your Gemini to stop flirting. Gemini is a natural social butterfly, and won't understand why you want to repress their instinct. Try not to be a bad conversationalist or a bad audience. Geminis become bored easily,  and may not want to save the conversation for another time. Don't  question everything that's going on in your  Gemini's mind. They will not appreciate an intrusion into their complex and convoluted thought  process. Avoid being too traditional - if you want to spend every hour in bed, you may have to get used to some unexpected behaviour. Don't act too surprised - they may bring a Scrabble board, some crackers and cheese and a novel  into bed along with the two of you. Try not to tie down or hold back a Gemini. They will slip through your fingers  like quicksilver.                  

Suggestions for the perfect date

The first step to keeping up with a Gemini date is to put on your running shoes. Ready for change, fast and  furious? Gemini's love variety, and are the most curious signs of the zodiac. They want to be constantly stimulated mentally, yet get bored quickly. So, take your Gemini out on an unusual date, or maybe a bunch of mini-dates all in one night! Gemini's enjoy literary events, intellectual events, and unique experiences.  

Suggestions for the perfect gift

Gemini examines the world through intellect, so give a gift that stimulates their imagination such as a book,  video, or magazine subscription. Ever notice that your Gemini loved one is constantly on the phone or off with  friends? Gemini rules the House of Communication, so help the Gemini in their life out by giving him/her a cell  phone, address book, email account or stationary. Keep in mind that Gemini rules the shoulders,hands and lungs, so gloves, shirts  (sky blue or yellow), rings or watches also make good presents. Whatever you do,  variety is key. Mix and match totally different kinds of  presents and you'll make your diverse and versatile Gemini happy.                  


The Third House is also known as the House of Communication. It is the way which we express ourselves (through  speech,  written  etc...) and think on an intellectual level. It also describes siblings, neighbours and our local environment as well as early education, mechanical dexterity, and short trips. It represents the hands, shoulders and lungs and is ruled by the sign Gemini and the planet Mercury. 


The Mutable Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These four Signs are the flexible members of the Zodiac, happy to fill an assigned role. Their common characteristics include adaptability and changeability. They are flexible and versatile. On a team, Mutable Signs adapt easily to changing conditions, and they don't have a particular agenda, but they can be wishy-washy or inconsistent. The Mutable Houses are 3, 6, 9, and 12 ;  if a chart has a number of Planets in these Houses, the horoscope is weighted toward Mutable energy. 


Mercury represents communication (email, telephone, speaking, writing etc...), intellect, consciousness, transportation, dexterity and the mind. It is a masculine sign and ruled by both Gemini and Virgo and the 3rd and 6th Houses. 


The Element is Air, which is assigned to Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air rules the third, seventh and  
eleventh Houses. Although invisible, Air is all around us ; we quite literally could not breathe without it! It transmits sound and light, without which we couldn 't communicate. Air Sign people are intellectual and mentally driven. Air Signs can be cold, but they are alert and curious ; they bring intellect, perception and
logic to the Zodiac.
Gemini Love Match Characteristics
(1) Gemini and Capricorn

Capricorn has difficulty mentally stimulating Gemini who can become distracted very easily. Gemini’s non-conservative approach to life and many interests, could drive Capricorn crazy and leave them with an insecure feeling. However, with great effort and compromising, this twosome could make it happen.

(2) Gemini and Aquarius

Although Aquarius is understanding of Gemini’s needs and Gemini tolerant of Aquarius, they will have their fair share of arguments. Both enjoy the outside world and mental stimulation, therefore one thing is for sure, these two definitely get along.

(3) Gemini and Pisces

Pisces may try to turn the Gemini into a homebody which will frustrate Gemini. Pisces may lack devotion and affection from the Gemini and Gemini may lack respect and understanding from Pisces. Each could become hurt by the others lack of support.

(4) Gemini and Aries

This could be a very stimulating relationship with no restraints. Conversations and life itself won’t be boring. Both enjoy trying new things and seeking new adventures together and own their own. Aries intellect suits the Gemini’s clever mind.

(5) Gemini and Taurus

Contrasting partners. At first, each may find the other fascinating and charming. As the relationship continues however, there could be problems unless one or both are willing to change. Gemini can become restless and constantly seeks excitement, while Taurus needs security and stability. In the long run, this relationship will be very demanding on each person.

(6) Gemini and Gemini

Both will mentally and physically stimulate each other. They’ll share in fascinating conversations, however, although they have quite a bit in common, the chaotic pace that they keep together, over time, could grow to be a problem. If one, or better yet, both, doesn’t compromise, things could become restless.

(7) Gemini and Cancer

Cancer’s passion intrigues Gemini and Gemini knows how to brighten Cancer’s day. However, Cancer probably won’t feel completely secure because as time will prove, Gemini doesn’t like to be tied down. Cancer’s self esteem can become wounded easily and Gemini knows just how to do it. This couple will have difficulty understanding one another, making a long term relationship really difficult, but not completely impossible.

(8) Gemini and Leo

Each will try to excel over the other, however, Gemini may somewhat secretly enjoy the competition. Gemini may not be as loving as Leo would like, but Leo is not as tolerant as Gemini would like. They’ll share plenty of laughs together. It may not be the most smoothest of relationships around, but all in all, it is bound to be a lot of fun indeed.

(9) Gemini and Virgo

Gemini may become bored in this relationship right from the get go, and Virgo may tire from it just as quickly. If the relationship continues, Virgo can become very critical of Gemini and Gemini may get thoughtless and brash towards Virgo. Each has different interests and this relationship could lack passion and emotional stimulation.

(10) Gemini and Libra

They’ll find each other easy going and mentally stimulating. They have most things in common and should sizzle in passion. Each should enjoy almost everything about the other. The only downfall to the relationship is their spending habits. Since both enjoy spending money, especially on the finer things in life, savings might be a problem. Otherwise, what a great couple they make.

(11) Gemini and Scorpio

Scorpio becomes demanding of Gemini and Gemini doesn’t like it. Gemini who is very social, will eventually get under Scorpio’s skin. These two could make a great team, however, the problem is, they can’t seem to get along for a long period of time. Tolerance of one another could be an issue.

(12) Gemini and Sagittarius

A definite attraction between the two. They’ll share common interests and stimulate each other mentally. However, this adventurous pair know how to become argumentative and despite all the similarities, problems can arise. Gemini can get critical of Sagittarius and Sagittarius can become bossy over Gemini. Neither will appreciate the terms.