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Baby Your my angel these are for u i hope u like it
As I sit in this dark room looking out the windows
I can see all my past shadows
wandering throught with so many sarrows
knowing that my life is at its near narrow
In my life all that i can rember
are dead and cold like mid december
I can never rember a cheerful year
That is why when death is near i do not fear
there is noone here to shed so many tears
and there will be no more pain for them to bear
grew up wid so much pain
that is why i love to get wet in the rain
It washs away all my strain
once in mah life i stopped believein God
Told him to take away all i got
he gave me something that changed my LIfe
Who knows maybe a wife she treated me so good i cant even describe
Through all the crys and lies she stood tall and beautiful
Never knew she could make my life so peaceful
she started to give me feelings that i felt before
got me wonder if she is the one for sure
i can not wait to see n talk to her as days go by
like a baby waitin for the mother to sing its lalla byes
no more sleepless nights
no more lifess frights
no more endless droughts
no more sucidal thoughts
Baby grl take my hand n be mine till the until of end of time
Now that i have been through it all
fought the battels and standing up tall
Its time to for me to thank someone spical
She changed my life without knowing she was the one
Now with out her i am allgone
she was born on August
no wonder we got so much trust
we are born ten dayz apar
but less then three dayz she stole my heart
we havent even spent a week togather
but in our hearts it seems like forever
i only spent two nites and one day with her
it was so delightful nothing else could matter
When we kissed i looked into her eyes
saw so many years pass us by
she is meant for me that i cant not deny
we may get into silly arugments
without your bright smile in my life i will have no movement
Which means i will face my demise
with out you i will say no lies
all i will do is not cry just die
you may wonder why
its cuz you are my joy
you are my happiness
you are my sight
you are my breath
you are my heart beat
you are my everything
there is nothing in this world that can describe You
there is no word in the dictionary to show what i feeel 4 you
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