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The Turnbulls


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Rustic Charm

Next performance: Friday, August 1, 2003 at Mark's Pub.


Any snow yet?

Well, we are back now and here's the latest!  I think I will begin posting our news in a journal-style entry on this home page so that you can all get it from the source and not have to worry about calls, e-mails and the like.  Further, with our plans to develop the acreage taking a leap forward, I have added a page with photos and details about how the work is coming along.  We are now deadlining the complete package (i.e. house, road, services, renos) to be operational by September 1, 2003.  Click here for more.

Let me know what you think.



November 2002

Okay, so this hasn't exactly been a weekly journal.  But who really cares?  I am not even sure if any of our friends or family read this since they all seem to be asking the same questions anyhow.  Well, that's the danger of cyberspace.  You THINK you're connecting with people when you are, in fact, talking to an empty room ... gee, kind of like my last block classes of the day!

Anywho, the latest is that we finally have committed to the PMQ deal.  We are haggling with the bank, or banks, as the case may be in this "shopping around" mood that we are in.  But we officially have the keys to the house and can visit any time.  Now the considerations are to be sure all the renovation work can be done like we want in the end.  You see, these houses that the base is disposing of, due to city ordinance bylaws for sidewalks, right-of-way, etc. are mostly duplexes.  So, unless we have a major falling out with one and other (or the kids do) we will need to take out two centre walls: one down and one up.  Problem is, we need to know if the house has asbestos in the walls.  If it does, I personally want it GONE, as in BEFORE we move the thing.  But, being a city-slicker, I have no idea what this will leave me with both cost-wise AND aesthetically speaking.  So, Paul is meeting with a house inspector next week to find out the dirt (no pun intended).

My Dad and stepmom may (sounds pretty definite, really) be moving to B.C.  Actually, I spent some time tonight surfing the proposed region and it sounds / looks gorgeous.  I just don't know how often we will be able to travel out there given its location and the costly local economy.  BUT, it does have several local golf courses at which Dad can swing, putt, bet and curse as the situation may demand.  Gee, how can you tell I'm not a golfer.

School is.  'Bout all there is to say.  Actually, I really enjoy the leadership classes I am taking.  Plus, I just threw my hat in the ring to become a Lion's Quest (Health Curriculum) trainer.  Since curriculum development and implementation is my interest area, I should get some experience again (did some Technology development in '97) and revise my résumé.

For those of you who remember my submission to Today's Parent magazine, here's the latest.  I finally got a reply to the negative.  Seems aliens landed, burned down the building where they were housing my article and it was lost in the rubble!  Yeah, right.  By the way, what does it mean when a publisher says they are "unable" to publish your work?  Did I offend somebody?  Is it grammatically bereft?  Somebody, please tell me!  Oh well, I will survive...I will live to write another day...I will drink MORE coffee before writing my next brief treatise on childrearing!  Ugh.

And this concludes another exciting installment of "As the Egomaniac Turns".  Tune in next week, or month, or whenever I damned well feel like writing another entry.  HA!

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This page was last updated on 28-Jul-2003.