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Steven J. Stack Vita


6341 Parkview, Troy, MI 48098
Tel: (248)879-6440.

Department of Criminal Justice, 2305 FAB, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202. (313)-577-2705.

Areas of Specialization: Administration; Criminology; Death Penalty; Deviance; Divorce; Economy and Society; Homicide; Social Epidemiology; Suicide Risk; Statistics; Stratification.

Major Appointments:

Professor, Wayne State University 1990-present,(Chairperson & Director 1990-2001).

Full Professor, Assoc Prof, Department of Sociology, Auburn University, 1985-1990.

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Penn State University, 1981-1985.

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1979-1981.

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Alma College, 1976-79.

Other Appointments:

Visiting Scholar, ICPSR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1991,1992,1994-96, 2000.

Selected Major Journal Articles (N=161)

1978 "The Effect of Direct Government Involvement in the Economy on the Degree of Income Inequality: A Cross-National Study." American Sociological Review, 43(December):880-888.

1978 "Suicide: A Comparative Analysis." Social Forces, 57 (DECEMBER): 644-653.

1984 "The Effect of Income Inequality on Property Crime: A Cross-National Analysis of Relative Deprivation Theory." Criminology, 22(May): 229-257.

1987 "Celebrities and Suicide: A Taxonomy and Analysis: 1948-83." The American Sociological Review, 52(June): 401-413.

1987 "Publicized Executions and Homicide, 1950-1980." The American Sociological Review , 52(August): 532-540.

1990 "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide in Denmark, 1950-1980." Sociological Quarterly, 31(3): 359-370.

1990 "The Impact of Fictional Television Movies on Teenage Suicide: 1984-85." Social Science Quarterly, 71 (June): 391-399.

1990 "Execution Publicity and Homicide in South Carolina" Sociological Quarterly, 31(4): 359-370. 1990 (with Jim Gundlach) "The Effect of Hyper Media Coverage on Suicide, The Case of New York City." Social Science Quarterly, 71(September): 619-627.

1991 "The Effect of Religion on Suicide in Sweden." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 30(4):462-468.

1992 "Divorce and Suicide in Japan." Journal of Marriage and the Family 54 (May): 327-334.

1992 (with Jim Gundlach) "The Effect of Country Music on Suicide." SOCIAL FORCES 71 (September): 211-218.

1992 "The Effect of Divorce on Suicide in Finland." Journal of Marriage and the Family 54 (August): 636-642.

1992 (with Ira Wasserman) "The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideation." J. for the Scientific Study of Religion. 31(December): 457-466.

1993 "The Effect of Modernization on Suicide in Finland, 1750-1986." Sociological Perspectives. 36(2):137-148.

1994 (with Ira Wasserman & Jimmie Reeves) "Suicide & the Media: The NYT Front Page Suicide Stories," Journal of Communication, 44(Spring): 64-83.

1994 (with Ira Wasserman and Augustine Kposowa) "The Effects of Religion and Feminism on Suicide Ideology." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 33:110-121.

1994 (with Elena Bankowski) "Divorce and Drinking: An Analysis of Russian Data." Journal of Marriage and the Family,56 (November): 805-812.

1994 (with Ira Wasserman) "The Effect of Birthdays on Mortality Patterns: Another Look." Canadian Studies in Population,21(2): 133-148.

1995 (with Ira Wasserman) "The Effect of Marriage, Family, and Religious Ties on African American Suicide Ideology." Journal of Marriage and the Family 57 (February): 215- 222.

1995 "The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide." Criminal Justice and Behavior 22(June): 172-186.

1995 (with Ira Wasserman) "Marital Status, Alcohol Abuse and Attempted Suicide." Journal of Addictive Diseases, 14: 43-51.

1995 "Temporal Disappointment, Homicide, and Suicide: An Analysis of Nonwhites and Whites." Sociological Focus, 29:313-328.

1996 "Suicide Risk Among Dentists: A Multivariate Analysis," Deviant Behavior, 17(1):107-18

1996 "The Effect of the Media on Suicide: Evidence from Japan." Suicide and LifeThreatening Behavior, 26(2): 132-142.

1996 (with M. Zalman) "The Effect of Euthanasia on Suicide in the Netherlands." Social Science Quarterly, 77(3):577- 593.

1996 "Gender and Suicide Risk Among Artists." Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 26(4): 374-379.

1997 "A Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Domestic Institutions on Suicide Ideology." Journal of Comparative Family Studies 28(3): 304-319.

1997-98 (with Liqun Cao) "The Effect of Financial Satisfaction on Female Suicide Attitudes in China." Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 36(2):161-167.

1997 "Homicide Followed by Suicide: An Analysis of Chicago Data." Criminology, 35 (August): 435-454.

1998 "Culture and Suicide: An Analysis of African Americans." Transcultural Psychiatry, 35(June):253-69.

1998 (with Ross Eshleman) "Marital Status and Happiness: A Comparative Analysis." Journal of Marriage and the Family. 60 (MAY): 527-536.

1998. "The Effect of Publicized Executions on Homicide in California." Journal of Crime and Justice, 21(Fall):1-16.

1998. "Marriage, Family, and Loneliness: A Cross-National Study." Sociological Perspectives, 41(2): 415-432.

1998. "Gender, Marriage, and Suicide Acceptability." Sex Roles, 37:501-520.

1998. "Heavy Metal, Religiosity, and Suicide Acceptability", Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 28:388-394.

1998. (with Liqun Cao) "Public Confidence in the Police: A Comparison of the US and Japan." Journal of Criminal Justice. 26(4):279-289.

2000. "Suicide: A 15 Year Review of the Sociological Literature: Part I: Cultural and Economic Factors." Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 30:145-162.

2000. "Suicide: A 15 Year Review of the Sociological Literature: Part II: Modernization and Social Integration Perspectives Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 30:163- 176.

2000. "Media Impacts on Suicide: A Quantitative Review of 293 Findings," Social Science Quarterly, 81(December):957-971.

2001. "Occupation and Suicide." Social Science Quarterly, 82(June), 385-397.

Book Chapters (N=30) include:

1992 "Religiosity, Depression and Suicide" In John Schumaker (ed) Religion and Mental Health. NY: Oxford University Press. Pp. 87-97.

1999 "Sociological Analysis of Rational Suicide: An Analysis of Attitudes." in James L. Werth (ed) Contemporary Perspectives on Rational Suicide. Washington, D.C.: Taylor and Francis. Pp. 41-47.

2000. (With Liqun Cao) "Confidence in the Police in Industrial Nations." In Del Rounds (ed) International Criminal Justice Issues in Global Perspective. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Pp. 71- 81.

2000 "Work and Economy." In Ronald Maris , Alan Berman, and Morton Silverman (eds) Comprehensive Textbook of Suicidology New York: Guilford, pp. 193-221.

Selected Conference Papers (N=224)

2002. (Invited address) "Media Portrayals of Suicide as a Risk Factor in Suicide: A State of the Art Review," Sixth World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, World Health Organization, Montreal, Canada, May 12-15th.

Selected Publications on Higher Educational Administration

1987 "Measuring the Relative Impacts of Criminology and Criminal Justice Journals." Justice Quarterly,4(September): 475-484.

1994 "The Class of 1976: Publication &Type of Location. "Sociological Symposium 14(3):293-298.

1997. (with Tom Kelley) "Achievement in Criminal Justice: An Analysis of Graduating Seniors." Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 8(Spring): 39-50.

2000. "PartTime Faculty Status & Student Evaluation of Teaching," Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 11:251-266.

2001. "The Effect of Type of Terminal Degree on Scholarly Productivity," Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 12: 19-34.

Selected Awards, Honors:

1985 Edwin Shneidman Award. For outstanding research accomplishments in the field of suicidology, American Association Suicidology.

1988 Listed as one of the nation's top 60 Family Scholars in: "A Profile of Family Studies Scholars" W. Meredith and D. Abbott, Family Studies Review, November 1988, p. 299-311.

1999. Listed as one of the nation's top 50 specialists in deviant behavior (35th) in Miller, J. Mitchell and Richard Wright "Is the Sociology of Deviance Dead? A Citation Analysis of Leading Journals", paper read at the annual meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Canada, November 17-20.

2001 Listed in Who's Who in America, 55th edition, 2001, New Providence, NJ.: Marquis Who's Who.

Selected Major Grants Received:

1985-88. National Institute of Mental Health. 1988 Project: "Suggestion and Suicide: Structural Media Effects." No. 1 R01 MH38209-01A1 & No.7-R01-MH41510-01,02; 2- R01-MH41510 -03, 04

1998-2000. GRANT: Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, "The Effect of Publicized Life Sentences, Death Sentences, and Executions on Homicide."


Selected Offices Held

Secretary. American Association of Suicidology 1996-1998.

President, Pennsylvania Sociological Society. 1983-1985.

Secretary-Treasurer.Michigan Sociological Society.1978-1979.

Selected Nominations:

President-Elect, International Academy of Suicide Research, Spring 1999.

Nominated by William Julius Wilson to National Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Science panel on Suicide Prevention in Youth and Adults, Winter 2001.

Selected Editorial Service

Editorial Board Member, SUICIDE AND LIFE THREATENING BEHAVIOR, 1983-present.

Associate Editor (1993-present)Archives of Suicide Research

Associate Editor, (1996-1998), Journal of Crime and Justice.

Media Coverage of Research includes: BBC Radio, LaPresse (Montreal), LAT, Life, Newsweek, Psychology Today, Radio Wales, USA TODAY, Wall Street J, and Washington Post.
