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It was a dark, and stormy night in the seaside village of Happisbrough, the residents safely behind locked doors and closed windows as the banshee's raised their terrible wail high overhead. The thunderous roar of waves pounding the beach was enough to deafen the ears of those nearby, but on the other side of the sleepy village, a woman’s scream rose above the sounds of the storm, the waves pounding the beach, and the banshee’s wails. It was the scream of a woman in labor! It was during the dirty light of a cold and overcast dawn that Charles Herros was delivered into this world. The son of wealthy merchants, Charles’ was destined to take over his father’s Economic Empire, but this was not to be. He returned home one evening to find his home in ruins. Gutted by fire, and his parents incinerated in the awful inferno that was once his home….he was forced to live the paupers life until his untimely death later that year. He now roams the land, a shade of his former self, moving in the shadows, and changing the face of the world to suite his tastes.