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By: Mubarak Abdessalami

Shall we call him the emperor of language? Mr. Adjective could at the same time be:

  • The manager of a large company.
  • The maestro of a big orchestra.
  • The leader of a gang.
  • The whiz of an organization.
  • The supervisor of all language transactions
  • The Chameleon of the language jungle.
  • The chief of an armed squad.
  • Etc ...

            To speak or write correctly noone in the language empire is willing to help but Adjectives certainly are. They are the only monopole that can push things forward and urge events to happen in the way it pleases the writer or the speaker. They have to do with all the "good" and "bad " things that are to be done or described. They also have the ability as to make ugly things beautiful. Mr. Adjective however is the mastermind behind a lot of "funny" almost visual effects that happen in language. All sentences invite adjectives whenever they decide to hold a "party " because the adjective and his "orchestra" are surely making it "lovely ", "exciting " and "sensational ". The dull sentence "ceremony" is the one void of "adjectives and band". He also is a magician. When the adjective begins performing his operations on sentences, it is a lot of changes and surprises that are expected to turn out. With a single stroke from his "suffixes", Mr. Adjective can make an employed person "jobless"; and with his magic stick, he can turn an intelligent person "brainless". Suffixes are not the only tools that the adjective uses to convert nouns and verbs into "Adjectivism". He also uses prefixes effectively. Happy people can quickly become "unhappy"; helpful ones become "unhelpful" and so on. In a word this adjective's gang is countless and it is making a lot of ravages in the body of language.

            Mr. Adjective has a large trained gang. Most of the members of the gang are close relatives to him. Comparatives and superlatives are his left and right-hand men. Adverbs are good and trustful executives in his large company. They are always ready to operate for him; If you don't like to do a good job, you can do it well thanks to the Adverb Section Service". Mr. Adjective uses camouflage in some of his operations. "The fast car runs fast": In this example he works as both an adjective and an adverb. The Chameleon-like adjective is greatly amazing. He sometimes permits to nouns to achieve their projects on some sorts of derivations through him. Take for instance the ambitious verb "to clean" who wants to become a noun. He has first to pass through the adjective to be "clean", e.g.: "a clean room". After that the adjective gives him the "visa" to go to the land of adverbs to have a new nationality and becomes "cleanly" to eventually reach his goal and get the new identity "cleanliness" so as to be accepted as a noun.

            The famous Mr. Adjective is also there to serve you to point to something you want to show somebody else. You cannot demonstrate something unless the demonstrative adjectives are present. These hardworking elements of language are startling. They can make the difference between one and many targeted things. Your target be it one or numerous, near or far away, the adjective is always ready to serve you. He makes at your disposition four of his best soldiers, notably: [This, That, These and Those]:

            "Look at that man with those funny spectacles who wants to buy these books on this desk."

            On the other hand, every user of language knows well that each adjective belongs to one of the six fractions of the gang. One of them is the "distributive" fraction that specifies among a group who share the same taste or quality, "Every student wants either tea or coffee. Some of them like neither."

            Moreover, adjectives of "quantity" also can make selections in the field of choice. They also can count well,

"Some people have got many books; some others have only a few. But most people have no books at all."

            Books are countable. What about uncountable items? It is not here that the adjective could be defective,
"There is much water in the bottle. But there isn't any in the glass". Thus, on all levels, the adjective is omnipresent. No other grammar element is as active as the adjective.

            If one thinks that it is possible to avoid using an adjective, one may not be quite righteous. Even in questions, Interrogative adjectives are there, present, and ready to help. [Which, whose, what] are only samples of the various trained elements the famous powerful adjective could put under your service to assist you asking correct questions.

            The troops of the adjective army are the most useful. They can give each of us his share. This is my part whereas that one is her part. So you have to look for your part because everybody has got his part. The others prefer not to take their parts so it is our part now. Each one of these possessive adjectives plays its role quite perfectly.

            To conclude, Sentences void of adjectives are not normal ones except for some trivial ones. However, a sentence with all the adjectives is not normal either. Let's try to make a sentence in which all the members of the adjective gang are present. It will surely be a hilarious feast.
            "Whose is that nice cat taking some rest on my car? Every one should guess".

            The story is quite long. May be I'll come back to it to talk about the other funnier things that this extraordinary adjective can do within the different regions of speech. Don't just miss it...

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