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Pgs. 414 - 416
Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment
Dr. Brian G. Gilmartin
University Press of America, Inc.

Items Clearly Earmarking the Love-Shy

      Many of the statements which I presented to all respondents sharply
differentiated the love-shy from the non-shy. In essence, these are state-
ments which were reacted to very differently by the love-shy men than
by the non-shy men. For the interest and convenience of the reader a
representative sampling of these statements is provided below. Under-
neath each statement the percent of each group of men saying "true" is

1. "When I like someone I am able to let them know it without difficulty."
        82 percent of the non-shy men.
        6 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        Zero percent of the older love-shy men.

2. "I find it very difficult to display emotion and feeling."
        19 percent of the non-shy men.
        66 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        93 percent of the older love-shy men.

3. "When I would like to be friendly with someone, I often feel that I know
    what to say but I just haven't got the nerve to say it."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        79 percent of the younger love-shy men.
       100 percent of the older love-shy men.

4. "I often feel that I don't know what to say in certain types of informal social
        6 percent of the non-shy men.
        93 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        100 percent of the older love-shy men.

5. "I find it easy to relax with other people."
        100 percent of the non-shy men.
        14 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        7 percent of the older love-shy men.

6. "I sometimes take the responsibility for introducing people to each other."
        88 percent of the non-shy men.
        23 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        Zero percent of the older love-shy men.

7. "Being introduced to people makes me very tense and nervous."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        82 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        100 percent of the older love-shy men.

8. "I would avoid walking up and joining a large group of people."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        79 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        100 percent of the older love-shy men.

9. "After I was about 13 or so I usually tried not to sing out loud whenever
    anyone was around."
        20 percent of the non-shy men.
        83 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        100 percent of the older love-shy men.

10. "I often feel on edge when I am with a group of people."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        75 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        86 percent of the older love-shy men.

11. "I tend to withdraw from people."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        84 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        96 percent of the older love-shy men.

12. "I find it easy to start conversations with people at parties and informal
      social gatherings."
        93 percent of the non-shy men.
        Zero percent of the younger love-shy men.
        Zero percent of the older love-shy men.

13. "I find it easy to start conversations with people of the opposite sex in informal
      social situations."
        100 percent of the non-shy men.
        Zero percent of the younger love-shy men.
        Zero percent of the older love-shy men.

14. "I am seldom at ease in a large group of people."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        67 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        92 percent of the older love-shy men.

15. "I feel relaxed even in unfamiliar social situations."
        54 percent of the non-shy men.
        Zero percent of the younger love-shy men.
        Zero percent of the older love-shy men.

16. "I often feel tense or nervous in casual get-togethers in which both sexes
      are present."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        94 percent of the younger love*shy men.
        100 percent of the older love-shy men.

17. "If the chance comes to meet new people, I often take it."
        96 percent of the non-shy men.
        21 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        11 percent of the older love-shy men.

18. "I don't mind talking to people at parties or social gatherings provided that
      they make the first move in opening conversations with me."
        Zero percent of the non-shy men.
        89 percent of the younger love-shy men.
        100 percent of the older love-shy men.