Welcome to my playground

I'm completely in love with the show "Yu Yu Hakkusho". Check the movie if you can at Blockbuster, you won't be sorry!! There's a story coming out soon involving a few of our favorite Humans and Demons. Vegeta's making a debut on the page too. The plan is to massively clutter the page with a few fics not based on Gundam Wing. Just expanding the taste.

Obviously no one wants to join my page. It's cool, I'll @&^%* my own PWP stories. I'm good at that ...I don't need help!!! Other than professional. E-mail me if you want someone to converse with about the obvious kawaii factor of Japan's gift to mankind. Anime!!!! animedratle@yahoo.com. Don't be a stranger k!

This is a mainly YAOI site, which involves young male anime characters putting all kinds of fun verbs and adjectives into action. Grrrowl. The stuff dreams are made of.

If you can't handle that, I suggest you locate the nearest pukebag and don't read further. As for all the YAOI fans, I hope you like...

Any questions about me? Ask the source. Criticism, and comments never hurt either... I can take it. Animedratle@yahoo.com is the working e-mail address

"Temptation" is a songfic soon to be posted. Bing Crosby originally sang it, Frank Sinatra got his turn at it. Now I get to @&%$ it.

Kuabara's Confession is going to the table for some major reconstructive surgery. No, Kuabara will remain the same.

"Vegeta's Lone Journey into Hell" is finally more that an idea. It'll be posted as soon as I can get that pesky ending.

Drmros6 and I will be working on "The World May End" soon. I can feel it. It's as apparent as the moon is made of swiss cheese.

As for any stuttering you find on the page, apparently the computers I use don't like me to curse. I'll have to @%$@# (&$^* and @#&*(& instead. How will I ever survive?

My fics moved here
Open mic page: poetry, pieces of literature, and of course I will post anything people want to send in

Email: animedratle@yahoo.com