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Michigan MicroBrew Tour

Beginning around June of 2001, Cheryl and Todd started visiting various Microbreweries in Michigan. After falling in Love with Microbrews, we came across the Michigan Beer Guide and realized - there's a LOT of them in Michigan, around 70.

Starting in Midland, MI, we began making various trips to other parts of the state, marking maps with our objective breweries. Not only did we want to visit every Microbrew in Michigan, we also "had to have" a souvenier growler. Nothing better than bringing some microbrew home.

This site will describe our various trips throughout the state with our personal "rankings" of the various styles of microbrew - likes and dislikes. We've also tried to sample "interesting" food from each location we've visited. This usually was an appetizer that "caught our eye". After all, good brew needs good food to go with it

Our Trips/Adventures for Microbrew

Sanford Lake Bar & Grill and Mountain Town Station
Big Buck Brewery and Alcatraz Brewing Company
King, Big Rock, and WAB
Harpers, Tuba, and Michigan Brewing Company
Michigan Beer Guide