Immmmmmm Baaaaack!

This Layout was Made by Me and was not stolen from anyone! Do Not Steal My Shit or I will track you down and make you pay! Also, this is my RP That I have written, this is my work! And If I find anybody copying it, There also will be hell to pay! So DONT TAKE MY SHIT!
~~~-End Of Disclaimer-~~~
Overall Record
David Flair and Syxx
4 - 2 - 0
The RP you are about to experience is devastating, after reading this you will not be the same...... Also, cases of sorrow for the Opponent is normal

Chapter 8:The Finals is only 1 easy victory away

Segment 1

The camera is zoomed in on Booker T's hand to open the scene. His hand is opened wide to represent his accomplishment of being 5 time WcW champion. The Camera then zooms out from there so you can see all of Booker T. He closes his hand up and lifts his head up, then begins to speak

Booker T: You all thought I was finished. You all thought my chance of becoming Undisputed champion had vanished. You all thought I had been beatin. But you all thought wrong. Because The Booker man is back in the tournament sucka! The Book is back and I will not be screwed again. Everyone knows I should of had a by through the Quater-Finals considering I was suppose to face the winner of Rob Van Dam vs Test. But neither of them showed up, so I should of had a by. But someone...(cough cough..Ric Flair..cough cough) Had to screw with me and make me face David Flair. And He got a 1 in a million fluke and defeated me. But that will not happen this time. no it wont. Because the Book is back for revenge. The Book is back to kick some ass! David Flair, You got very lucky indeed when you beat me, But there is absolutly no way you can do it again. And you better believe that this time I will drop you down, and get my well deserved win. But it wont only be you that will get their ass beatin to a bloody pulp, someone who goes by the name of Syxx is also involved in this matchup. Now Syxx is the man I was suppose to face normally on a 1 on 1 match. But this whole David Flair thing mixed it all up. But 1 thing still remains the same. And that is that I will still pound you and get my easy 1...2..3 To advance to the Finals.

Camera man: Cut! alright booker, thats a wrap.

Booker T: Alright. Smackdown is gonna start soon, but 1st, I think I'll go out to get a drink. See you guys there

Camera Crew: See ya Booker.

Booker leaves his Mansion and goes out to his driveway, where his limo driver is awaiting him. But he walks right past the driver and over to his garage where he stores some of his cars. Inside the garage there is a GT Roadter, A Evolution Pikes Peak Version, and a Subaru Rally Racer. He pulls out his keys and tosses them up in the air. He catches 1 key......The Pikes Peak Key. So Booker goes over to his Evolution Pikes Peak Car and hops in. He quickly backs out of his driveway, then speeds down the highway in search for a bar. After about 3 minutes of driving he spots a sign which says:

Sign: HIGHway Bar: 3 Km

Booker puts the pedal to the metal and gets up to 140 km an hour when out of no more a cop car comes into view. He turns on his sirens so Booker has nothing to do but pull over and stop. The Police Officer steps out of his car and walks over to Booker.

Booker T: Hello there officer. What can I do for ya?

Officer: Do you know how fast you were going back there?

Booker T: Couldn't of been more than 70

Officer: Mister, you were going 140 km/h. And the speed limit is 65.

Booker T: 140! Im sorry officer, but your radar must be messed up.

Officer: Sir, will you please step out of th....Wait a minute. I've seen you before. Aren't you Booker T from the WWF!

Booker T: You damn right Im Booker T. Now i got a match in about 2 hours, so if could just....

Officer: Oh Certianly sir. I look forward to seeing you kick David Flair and Syxx's ass tonight.

Booker T: Thats what I like to here. So I gotta get going, but here's a little something for ya.

Booker pulls out a nice crisp $100 bill and puts it in the shirt pocket of the officer. The Officer smiles then walks away. Booker waves to him. Then quickly speeds off towards the bar.

Minutes later, The Book arrives at the HIGHway Bar. He steps out of his Pikes Peak Car and then presses the button to turn on the car alarm. After that he walks into the bar. Smoke has filled the air inside of here. As Booker stumbles around to the bar. A Few Drunks are sitting at the bar watching The RAW pre-show. Booker orders a Molson Canadian.

Guy sitting next to him: Canadian eh? Mr.Canuck! hahahahha

The Guy sitting next to him begins to laugh too

Guy: Wheres your pet beaver?? aahahahahahhaha

AS they laugh, Booker pulls out a beaver.

Booker T: Right Here......Attack

The Beaver turns his head sideways and then sinks his teeth into the guys neck. As him and his friend scream like little girls, some people run over to see what is going on.

Booker T: Too Bad Im Not Canadian

The people in the bar all circle around Booker T. Wondering if that is the real Booker T. Finally after a few minutes of gasping and wispering, a Man steps forward.

Man: Excuse me Sir? But are you Booker T?

Booker T: Yes I am

The all smile and gasp, knowing that the real Booker T is sitting in front of them

Man: I can't wait till tonight when you kick some Syxx and David Flair Ass!

Booker T: Yes I will

The Crowd in the bar cheers as the Guy that was sitting beside him is still being attack by the beaver. Then Booker jumps up on the bar and begins to speak

Booker T: Live tonight on RAW, you will all see the Booka Man kick some serious ass. As you will see not 1....But 2 people dismantled. Lets start with you Syxx. I seen your little promo out there. You call my moves gay sucka? The Spinarooni is the greatest move ever invented, and you will see 1 straight up, then it will be followed by the Book End! And 1...2..3 Your Gone! What? You also think Im back here shaking and trembling, ha! You stupid Foo! I am The Booker Man, The Fearless superstar of the WWF. And if anything Syxx you are the one in the back hiding. You are the one who is shaking in terror right now. Ya thas right. Because your scared of me. Your scared of getting the smack layed down on you. Your scared of being embarresed as I make short work of you. But it's nothing to embarresed by Syxx. Everyone gets beat by me. And it will be no exception with you. Ps. Have you ever thought of taking breaks when your talking. Just a suggestion. Now onto David Flair. The Jeff Jarret wanna-be. Well "slap nuts" tonight Im going beat you just like a did to Jeff Jarret oh so many times. But now let me talk about last week. I can't explain how lucky you got last week when you beat me. It just wasn't my night. But Tonight is. And I will also make short work of your ass. You untrained, immature son of a bitch. You stupid sucka, Getting the Booker Man angry is not the smartest thing to do. And tonight on WWF RAW, I am gonna prove that theory Slap Nuts. Now Can you dig that succcccccckkkkkkkkkaaaaa!!!!

All the people in the bar cheer as Booker gets down and finishes the rest of his beer. Meanwhile The Beaver just finishes off killing the guy and his friend as Booker leaves the bar. Booker jumps back in his car and heads for the Arena.

Soon Booker arrives at the arena. He gets out of his car, opens up the back door and grabs his bags. He then closes all the doors, turns on the alarm then walks over to the Members Entrance. Before he enters, he looks over and sees all the screaming fans with their signs, trying to get tickets to this great event tonight. Booker smiles, then enters the arena. As he comes in, he heads straight for his locker room. Once inside his locker room, he takes a seat on his leather couch and flips on the tv. He turns it to the hockey game between The Ottawa Senators and The Toronto Maple Leafs. It's in the 1st period, The Score is 2-0 Ottawa. After a few minutes of that he switches it over to the WWF RAW Pre-Show. Noone is out in the ring. So Booker gets up out of his chair and heads out to the stage. He goes to the curtain and tells the guy to play his music. Booker's Music Starts and he gets a Neutral Reaction from the crowd.

'Booker Comes out Onto Stage

'Booker Comes out Onto Stage
Booker T: Whaaaaaaassss uppp peeeeeeeeeoplllllleeee!!! I know you suckas are all getting settled in for tonights great event. So you all get settled in because you are gonna be on the edge of your seats tonight, In a Semi-Final thriller. I want you to all know something, this isn't in your programs but let me in on a little secret. It will be me and the winner of Edge and Hulk Hogan that will fight in a match to face the undisputed champion. And let me tell you again, I will win that too. So you are looking at your next WWF Undisputed champion. Now I know you all wonder where Syxx and David Flair are. And to tell you the truth, I don't know either. Thier probably off in the corner hiding and crying. Knowing that their due date is soon arriving. They know that soon I will be there to kick their ass. They know that they have absoloutly NO CHANCE IN HELL! Because I am the Booka Man, The Truly Gifted Wrestler of the World Wrestling Federation! So Tonight enjoy the event, and be sure to see I, The Booka Man Move onto the Finals, Thank You Very Much. So Syxx and Flair, be ready for an ASS KICKING! Ya Sucka!

Booker T drops the Mic and leaves the ring to go pre-pare for his match Tonight LIVE ON WWF RAW!