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Hi there friends!

Thanks for clicking onto my Places Pages. On these web pages you will find different places in New Zealand. the majority I have had personal experiences with. Others are areas while not personally ever been to, I have found quite interesting to read about.

I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay, and read about the various areas and regions of our country. As you will find, there are places with a lot of information, and places with limited information. That is due to the information I have gained so far, either by internet, or other means.

If you find any places of interest and you would like to contribute in one way or another why not contact me via email, ICQ, IRC, so that I can add further information regarding each place. Hey how would you like a link to your valuable page? Have you got any photographs that I can use to further enhance the site? What about information you might have, that I have overlooked, or not able to find?

Remember it is not the history books, nor the internet information that contains information on the places, it is the people that live and who experienced living in these places that can tell the greatest histories. It was their ancestors who shaped, established these areas. These individuals throughout their lives have built the houses and businesses, created the history by the deeds that they have done.

Dunedin City

South from Dunedin

Central Otago


North from Dunedin

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