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Welcome to the home of -TEAM CREATION. A UK ps2 but also Xbox online gaming clan, we're ready to take up online gaming to a mass storm!Check the site out and if ya interested joining us then just click on forum, then leave a post on JOIN link. We will be cing you all SOON!

  "Ps2 Global News written by:Trick -tC- on Date 16/03/2003

Ever since online gaming on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox launched, both Microsoft and Sony have issued statements each stating one is ahead of the other. In the latest to come from this ongoing battle, Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced that over 500,000 broadband adapters have been sold for the PlayStation 2, with the most recent report stating the adapter sold more than 63% higher than Xbox Live during January. According to SCEA, an average of 2,500 new players join online, with 42 percent playing online via dial-up and 58 percent playing via broadband.Lets see whats happens in the uk.

  "Xbox news: written by:Trick -tC-on 12/02/2003

Xbox 2 - Big Bill speaks

Speaking to the national French newspaper Les Echoes recently, Microsoft boss Bill Gates has outlined features that will be included in Xbox 2. "The next-generation Xbox will feature digital media capabilities such as video and photo editing in addition to games," he explained. A modest move, in reality, but some will feel it's taking the Xbox ever more the way of the PC - a criticism that Xbox has had levelled at it from its conception (due to it being Microsoft's baby). We see it in a similar light to Sony's vision of PS3. From PS2 onwards, Sony have looked to make their number one games machine an entertainment centre. Even though details are scant, PS3 will undoubtedly carry on that trend, linking up to whatever and your hoover. Microsoft are just hooking their console up to what they do best - PC stuff. As long as it remains (and acts like) a console that we can just shove under the TV, zip in a disc and play away, we'll be happy. No one moans about having a DVD player in their PS2 or Xbox and, when you get all the other extras in the new wave of next-gen consoles, we doubt you'll be moaning then.

  "-tC- Clan: written by:Trick -tC-on 11/02/2003

The TC webpage is cuming along nice now.I have put alot of hard work into it and I hope it shows.We now have sum Affiliate clan icons for you to put on yor webpage to link us on yor site if you support team creation which are at the bottom of the page.If you do not know how to put these up then just ask for the html via the forum or email.Even make one yor self for ya clan then we can put it up here on the main page to show our support for yor clan.


We have a new member so I WELCOME MHZ -tC- to the clan!! =),Top geezer who is v shit hot at these sport games,Im sure he will do the clan proud on the Iss evo line up coming out later in the year.

And im 20 this month on the 25th so if any1 wants to send me cash or perhaps a nice Jag then send it to the normal address please =).Ive also noticed that about 187 of you visted this page a few days ago which showed up on ma counter details ,well if thats the case then if you happen to visit just drop by in the forum and introduce ya selfs and we be looking forward to playing you.

  "Clan links: written by:Trick -tC-on 06/02/2003

As we have only just appeared out of nowhere for Online gaming from the UK ,there will be alot of you who have allready played PS2 to bits and also XBOX.

So what im asking is if you are in a clan and happen to visit this webpage then we would be gratefull if you added yor clan link using the link provided in the FORUM. This way UK players no u exsit if looking at this site.And also we can check you out and arrange for game online if you fancy it.

On another note if you want to exchange banners or you want to ask a private question then email the clan at

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Allies awaiting,want challeges!!
.: Info :.
Name: MHZ
Email: =]
Age: 17
Sex: Male
FORMAT: PS2 Online
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