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Tamers Unite!
Complete Opposite
Created by random members of the Pojo's Digimon Gossip forum. (First time I did it with copy and paste)

Andromon: We are Borg. Resistance is futile.

Ruki: Can't we all just get along? Don't fight, it isn't right. We'll discuss it all over a cup of tea.

Culumon: Culumon warp digivolve to....MOONMILLENIUMMON!
Takato: Oh crud...
Henry: I guess this is why the devas wanted him so bad....
MoonMilleniummon: I am MoonMilleniummon, an evil digigod, my death crystal attack causes.....death....y'know...with crystals?
Terriermon: *sigh* Gonna be one of those days...

Juri:Hi this is my talking puppet!Talk to the audience puppet!
Puppet:MWAHAHAHA!!I AM MYOTISMON!I shall take over season 03 and shall be king of both worlds!!Bow to me child!I am the demonic puppet.
Omnimon:*appears out of portal*OH FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!How many damn times do we have to kill you!HOW MANY!!I'm not even going to kill you!I'll leave you as a harmless puppet!Cause you're driving me crazy*rips off both of his arms and runs away crying*
Puppet:You fool!I shall make you my slave!My power is supreme!
Juri:good job puppet!Now you can play barbie with me.I have some nice pretty pink dresses for you.
Puppet:No you foolish girl!unhand me!I will destroy you!no not the dress!Help!I don't want to be in season 03 anymore.HELP MEEEE!

Impmon:Who wants.......DONUTS!!!???
Leee:eearyqesugdfdfjfgdashdfasjdkghksdv ljsk!*explodes*

Takato:Who are you?
Ruki:I'm Ruki and I love you here's my puppet MAAAIII
*juri pops around the corner*
Juri:You have a puppet too!COOL!!!Lets play
Ruki:That's coolWho cares about these icky cards!*throws cards away*
Ruki:What is it Renamon?
Renamon:I....I WANT TO PLAY PUPPET TOO*brings out puppet*
Ruki,Juri and Renamon:YAY!PUPPET TIME!
Takato:....@.@ did I miss something
Guillmon:Can I play too Takatomon?

Impmon: May I please have the nice bread?
Guilmon: Get lost.
Impmon: *starts to cry*

Riley: Ooh, shiny object ... OW!
Yamaki: Oy...

growlmon:u scare of me?u shouldnt
takato:im sorry growlmon
growlmon ut......MAYBE U SHOULD MWAHAHAHA!!!!
lee:dont look terriermon
terriermon:too late
kenta:cool growlmon is melting takato

impmon:lalalalalala oh joy im feeling oh so happy today...BADABOOM*flowers start falling*

Indaramon: I am the greatest, sweetest creature ever to walk this planet

Impmon: I Love you, you love me we're the best that friends can be with a great big hug and a kiss for me too you won't you say I love you to

Impmon: I love all tamers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riley: Tum te ta ta de do...
Tally: What are you doing?
Riley: Be quiet. I'm trying to download RealPlayer8.
Tally: This isn't a home entertainment system!

Takato: DDs are soooooooooooooooooo stupid. I'm ten times better than they are! I will not be defeated by a stupid Digimon like Blackwargreymon! yahahahahahaha!
BlackCoromon: Coro.....

  Rika: *On an internet chat room* What do you mean, what do I look like? Oh, you know. *Checks the room* *Murmurs:* All alone. Great. *Types:* I'm a hot red head, with blue eyes and a tight body! Oh, and my Mom is a designer, so I wear the tightest clothes!
Renamon: *Appears behind her* What are you typing, Rika?
Rika: Nothing! *Covers screen with her hands*

Kazu: Girls are too wierd. I'm swearing off of them forever. *Sulks and goes to his room, which is decorated with girls pictures* Ahhhh this is the life.

Henry: *To Terriermon, in the game* Kill 'em! Kill 'em all!

Gargomon:Wait til you see my Roket lanuncher!
Calumon:I think guilmon has it.
Guilmon:Got milk?(Shoots rocket at Impmon)
Henry,Takato,Rika: (That anime fall)
That dude that tries to Destroy The Digimon:Got Cheese?(Shoots rocket at the Digimon tamers and they all die)
Impmon:Ha Ha Ha!Now I can take over the world!

Mihiramon: MWAHAHAHAHA! Those idiot tamers will never know what hit them ... for I, Mihiramon, the invincible Deva, SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Susie: Ooh, hewwo kitty cat! Wanna pway?
Mihiramon: AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO...

Makuramon: And then...I shall destroy the tamers!! Ooh, I'm so smart...
Susie: Hewwo, monkey-wonkey! Let's pway!
Makuramon: *screams like a girl and jumps off a large building*

lee:i have to goo!!!!!!
takato:the scrpit(sp?)says goo.see right here.what GT is typing.
takato:i dont see how u goo
rika:i dont think he's a complete idoit
takato:*eating a larva*
rika:now i think he's a complete idiot.

  Guilmon:I love Takato!
Takato:AHHH! Are you gay or something!

  Juri's puppet got too close to Yamaki's lighter...
Juri's Puppet: AAAAHHH!! I'M BURNING, I'M BURNING, I-- Hey, I'm not burning. Hmm, what does this button do...
*click* *FOOM*

takato:hey lee can i use ur bathroom?i have to goo.
lee:mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............(as if reading a script)wow aint this good lemonade takato.uh oh it looks like there a bug in my lemonade.i guess i'll have to dumb it out.*pours lemonade slowly*
takato:what r u doing MAN!?I HAVE TO GOO!
takato:LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!*wets his pants**weakly*lee
lee:*walks away*uh oh
lee:i have to goo!
lee:i hate everybody

Takato: GOTTA CATCH UM ALL POKEMON! *wearing every kinda Pokemon clothes imaginable*
Guillmon: *sobs* He has been like this for a few days now.........
Jen: Think he is ok?
Takato: Pokemon! Yeah!
Terriermon: Look at him, he must have everything Pokemon....
Takato: HOORAY! My Pokemon home pregancy test just came in the mail!
Jen: 0_0;; Home Pregancy test?
Guillmon: You should have saw him when they were give out Pokemon Spandax and he has been trying to stuff me in a Pokeball for days now
Takato: Pikachu! Pikachu!
Jen and Terriermon: *slowly backs away*

DemiDevimon--Hey boss,how ya doin?
Impmon--::dressed up like a mobster::
I'm a doin fine,yo.
DemiDevimon--::thinks,then yells:: Hey boss,let's go beat up sum bums!
Impmon--Shaddap ya stoopid joik!We gots sum bissness to take kere uv.
DemiDevimon--Oh,your no fun.
Impmon--Why I otta smack ya in da kissa for sayin dat!
DemiDevimon--Go ahead ya two-bit bum joik!
Impmon--Bada Boom!

*In a puritain town in the DigiWorld. A group of Digimon were condemed for the practice of Evolution.*
*Judge Terriermon* Ok send in the next suspect...Goody Culumon.*Culumon enters* Goody've been convicted of the practice of evolution...what say you?
*Culumon* Culu...i only help those who want to digivolve...Culu.
*JTM* So you confess to the practice. *Town's digimon gasp* i sentence you to death by Public Stoning.
*Later on that day*
*Culumon* Please don't kill me...culu...please don't even try...culu...i might do something i don't want to do.
*Phantomon*Oh don't waste your breath. When thy Scythe goes down...the stoning shall commense. *Starts to bring down Scythe but some of the town's digimon start to throw some stones that strike Culumon*
*Culumon* CULU!!! Now you've done it....*Starts to glow* Culumon Jogress Warp Digivolve to...Moon=Millenniummon!!
*MM destroys the stones and the Digimon run for their lives* Where did you go too...I just wanted to play...*Sees Phantomon*
*Phantomon* AHHH....Shadow Scythe??? *Doesn't scratch MM*
*MM* Lets play...Death Crystal!

Galgomon:*bends over and pants rip*Uh oh...
Kyuubimon:*wolf whistle*

Rika: My name is just like Kari's! Look. *Writes it on Paper* Rika. *Writes Kari on Paper* (Rika, Kari)
Renamon: *Sweat drops*
Rika: I'm gonna be just like Kari! *Grabs some clothes and runs into bedroom*
20 minutes later....
Rika: *Comes out dressed in clothes just like Kari's.*
Renamon: Oh, my God.
Rika: And for me to look like Kari, I need a Gatomon..... How would I get one of those? *Looks at Renamon with an odd glint in her eyes*
Renamon: Oh, NO you don't!
Rika: Yes, I do! *Jumps on Renamon and throws her in a pillow case* Umm, kinda lumpy looking Gatomon but it'll have to do.
Renamon: *Muffled* Rika, you.....
Rika: What'd you call me? My names Kari. *Grabs some brown hair dye and heads to the bathroom*
Renamon: *Falls out of the pillow case* Ow.

Rika: I wish I had some goggles like Takato.

Rika: I hate you mom. I want to go live with one of my dad's.

Impmon: Hello children, would you like some milk and cookies? May I help you in any way? If so please tell me.

Cartmaster: Come on, now, bring your dead Digimon here! Come on, come on?
Renamon: What are you gonna do with them?
Cartmaster: Er hang on *gets out a cell phone and dials a number* Yeah, Riley? What do we do with the dead Digimon? Uh-huh yeah okay. We delete them. Hm? Right. For sanitary purposes. And it doesn't matter if they're dead or alive.


GUILMON:Takatomon. I'm gonna join Zhuqiaomon and go Ultimate!

BEELZEBUMON:I wanna be a cute cuddly Digimon like Culumon! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!

LEOMON:*kills Culumon* Now go away, kid, or you're next!

RENAMON:Yes, Vajiramon, you truly are superior. I will serve the Sovereign!

RYO:Cyberdramon! Leave Majiramon alone! Stop fighting! Here! Get rid of the armor and wear this!*holds up dress*

YAMAKI:I love Digimon! Come here and gimme a hug!

VAJIRAMON: Sovereign! Die, you retarded bird, die!

BEELZEBUMON:Look at me! I'm the ice-cream man! It's free ice-cream day for all Digimon and their Tamer! Here you go!

LEE:Suzie, you can have Terriermon. Here's his replacement!*holds up Pikachu*

TAKATO:*kicks Guilmon*I wanted a Charmander!

KYUUBIMON:You ain't seen nothin', Mihiramon! Wait till I show you my Flamethrower attack!

TAKATO:Death to Digimon! Where's a good Juggernaut when you need one?

Terriermon: Sure, Suzie! Pull my ears! Make me wear diapers and drink out of a bottle! I enjoy it!
Suzie: Naaah..Im gonna go and read a book (Pulls out "War and Peace")

Rika: I think Im going to spend the rest of the day clothes shopping
(Takato and Lee stare)
Rika: What?

Guilmon: I'm full.

Impmon: Humans are the best!

Culumon: I'm too tired to play.

Ruki: Please stop fighting! It doesn't solve anything!

Juri: Leomon's retarded. I want another Digimon.

Calumon: I hate you! I hate you all!

Yamaki: No, Tamers, don't go! I love you!

Impmon: Everyone loves me!

Rika: Oh, that's so sweet!

Jeri: I hate Digimon. Who cares if they die or not?

Rika: Oooh, Guilmon's so cute!

Henry: Fight to the death Terriermon! Kill them all!

Guilmon: According to the laws of Quantum physics, the breads trajectory will bring right their, depending on the gravity relative to this area.

Leomon: Okay Jeri i'll be your partner if you pull this thorn out of my paw.

Calumon: Hold on before we play I was wonderng what am I?

Takato: (throws his cards and stuff away.) i'm gonna go get a life.

Kazu: Allright another A.

Kenta: I said I wanted Imperialdramon and I get stuck with this!

Takato: Guilomon, Have all of this food. *Dumps a ton of food next to him.*
Guilomon: No thanks, I'm not hungry.

Reka: I decided to join a peace group.

Takato: Heck, I give up on digimon, I'm going to play with pokemon instead
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