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We live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

- in the middle of the prairies

- very hot in summer and very cold in winter!

I grew up in Purley, Surrey. Well actually, I was born in Hertford, because we were evacuated during WW II. My dad was working on the Bailey Bridge, a project for the war. We also lived in Compton Dando, Somerset, and Bournemouth. After the war we moved back to Purley, to our house in Dale Road. There was the old St. Marie's Hotel "the bomb site", further up the road and this is where we played as kids.

My Dad worked for Wates, the builders, and studied to become a Chartered Surveyor. Once he was qualified he worked as a surveyor. I often went on trips with him when he went to do surveys. Later on my Mom went to work for Insurance Brokers in Caterham.

I went to Kenley Primary School in New Barn Lane, and after that to Whyteleafe County Grammar, which was an all girls grammar school. There is a link to some photos from my Whyteleafe days at the bottom of this page. After I left Whyteleafe, I went on to City of London College and took a secretarial and languages course. When I graduated I went to work for solicitors in Lincoln's Inn Fields. This set the pattern for my working life and I worked for solicitors, both in England and in Regina, until June 2001, when I took early retirement.

My husband, Rhys, grew up in Carshalton. He has his own butcher shop - Tendercut Meats. I have two sons, Julian, who is 30 and Adrian is 28. I also have an 9 year old granddaughter.


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This is a picture of me in the pool - summer 2001
This is the round flower bed - I have managed to get the lavender through three winters
- not easy in Saskatchewan!
Mickey (registered name - "Labonne's Mickey"), my little Shih Tzu is a lazy lap dog, but he comes from illustrious parentage.
He has eyes in there somewhere!

I now have another gold and white Shih-tzu, Sam. (Labonne's On Rodeo Drive)
This is the far end of our garden
My planters - September, 2002
The round flower bed in spring



                    This is Susan at La Jolla                  - and-                  Susan and Julian at Susan's Grad.



                    This is Seven-Up on the right and Cindy on the left.
                    They are both Morgans. Alyssa takes riding lessons on Seven-up.



    Adrian at Rhys's store - Tendercut Meats


Here are a few photos from 2003


We had a deck built in May, and when Sandi came for a visit, she told us about the bridge across the Ring Road - had fun getting the trucks and cars to honk their horns!! How come we have lived here all these years and never thought of it! We went there for Alyssa's birthday - all the girls dressed in their Hawaiian outfits for the party!


The photo on the left is the before and after I got rid of the neighbour's poplar tree! I finally got sick of it shedding its fluff and then all those filthy seeds right into the pool and bunging up the filter - so I paid to have it cut down, because he wouldn't. What a difference it made. We have more sun in the garden in the evening and no mess! I rented the trampoline for a few weeks - it was worth it because the kids and Adrian used it all the time.

The other photo was taken the day Rita and I went to Moose Jaw and ended up at Dale and Marlene's place - that is where the photo was taken. We went to Yvette Moore's gallery for lunch with Marlene - wonderful food and an interesting building that used to be the old Land Titles office. Copper doors and window frames - really a lovely old building and well worth a visit.

Link to My Web Page - page 2


Link to Old Photos

Link to Photos from Whyteleafe Grammar School

Link to Trip to England - 1999

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(aren't they cute!)

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