SO, you must be really should be spending your time pondering the meaning of life or something useful like that...but if you're still reading this, Welcome to my webpage! Enjoy!

Welcome to my page....I don't update it very much cause it's entirely pointless. So if you're here reading this then...thanks for coming! Haha...

Recent Stuff

*Umm yeah, i'm an f'in senior.
*NYC & DC rocked my sox.
*Emma is huge and the best dog evah!
*This fall, CE is going to kick SO much ass. Like...a lot.
*I have a Xanga but I don't necessarily want you to have it. So if you want it, talk to meh, and if I don't hate you...then mebbe.
Some of my links
Other Links

Northeastern Boxer Rescue Page (come on, you know you wanna)

Last Updated-8/14/05