Flower Fairies and Pillywiggins

Intro: The common picture of fairies is the flower fairies. They live in flowers, are tiny, and have wings. They have power over all nature (much like the Saxon elves). However unlike small faerys they have no queens and usualy take no human mates.

size: Theses small faerys are around 6 inches high

Appearance: Just like they sound like flower fairies live in and around flowers. Thus making them small and winged. Both Flower Fairies and Pillywiggins are very beautiful and pretty much look like tiny humans with wings (duh). Pillywiggins however have insect parts also (from inter breading), such as long noses, antenna, etc. Both species are usually seen naked or with little clothes on, like a see through robe. Sometimes they are seen in clothes made out of flowers though.

likes/ pastimes: Mostly they fly from flower to flower and protect nature. They also dance and play with each other. They (naturally) like all nature and love all flowers.

Temperment: Mostly peaceful and fun loving these cute fairies can get very nasty if nature is neglected of harmed