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The Chat project

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Nick, a junior under grad at Virginia Tech in blacksburg, VA.
This is a project to make chatrooms made by college students for college students. I'm hoping to make the net a little more interesting by offering any college kid the chance to click on a link and instantly be connected to a community of college students, in their local area as well as all over the state, or even farther.

This way theres no pointless searching for friends in chatrooms where people dont give a damn. I'd rather know that theres a friendly place where people can chill and talk about anything.

Making multiple chatrooms on various forums is a monumental task for one guy to do alone, especially a single college student with classes to worry about ;-)
If you are interested in helping out in any way, you can contact me through these methods:

AIM-Send an IM to VT Knives and mention the college student community, or just say "i want to help you with the chat stuff"
Contact Me e-mail - send an email to or and mention the college student community, or just say "i want to help you with the chat stuff"
There are many things for you to do if you choose to help me. If you like MSN chat, anyone who helps me will have the chance to host in msn chatrooms. But being a host isnt just having the ability to kick harmful users out, hosts get to administer the community webpage, meet people from all over, and make friends online in a relaxed environment, instead of the usual types of chatrooms where one gets banned for no reason.
It would be cool if anyone who is in graphic design or art majors, who like to do web design, is interested in making a really cool web page for the College Students Community. I am interested in making a nice looking flash enhanced website if possible.

Everything big starts out small, So for right now I'm just looking for anyone who is interested in small things like making one webpage or helping me host a chatroom. You do NOT have to be a college student to help out or chat, I like to make places where all are welcome. If you are interested you can contact me.

Today its March 31, 2003 and I hope to get a quick start on it. Right now I need people to help me host in MSN and if things go well more chatrooms will be put up in other places.

Personal Page - Knives

AIM-Send an IM to VT Knives and mention the college student community, or just say "i want to help you with the chat stuff"
Contact Me e-mail - send an email to or and mention the college student community, or just say "i want to help you with the chat stuff"
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