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Thursday, 19 April 2007
Backgrounder - the Circuit Assembly
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Backgrounder
There are several assemblies throughout the year. There are circuit assemblies and district assemblies. I believe the circuit assembly is smaller and shorter.
The Jehovah's Witnesses, being a centrally controlled organization, run a very tight ship for scheduling and planning. ALL CIRCUIT ASSEMBLIES will have the same printed agenda. Here's the general outline of an assembly:

The meeting will start punctually with a short announcement from the speaker and piped music to remind attendees to make it to their seats.

Start with a song.

A variety of talks and mock dialogues will be conducted throughout the day, broken up with a song here and there (to wake up your behind).

Just before lunch on Saturday, baptisms will be announced. Typically the first couple rows of the auditorium will be roped off for them. The speaker will give a short talk on the significance of the baptism, and will ask the candidates to stand. Candidates are not announced individually. They respond to two questions from the speaker and then file out to the applause of the assembly. They are baptized at noon, often surrounded by a small crowd of well-wishers. They are asked to bring their own bathing suit and a modest t-shirt for the baptism.

Everyone else has a lunch they have packed for themselves, typically in the same facility. If a space has been designated for lunch, a clean-up crew will shoo them back to their seats when the meeting is about to start again.

A variety of talks and mock dialogues will be conducted throughout the afternoon, broken up with a song here and there (to wake up your behind).

A keynote speaker typically wraps up the day. They are often a fairly high-ranking personage in the organization, perhaps a Bethelite. Couched in his talk will be any changes in direction or policy from head office. He will speak louder at the conclusion of the talk as a signal to the audience for a little enthusiasm.

The second day is a repeat of day one except there is no baptism, there is a reading of the accounts (they always announce they are a little short) and a prayer.

Everyone goes home.

The meeting place:
Year texts will be displayed prominently around the room.

The stage will be quite plain. There will be a podium with seats and microphones arranged for the various presentations.

Perhaps off to the side or in a separate room will be the baptismal tank.

There will be designated slots for receiving contributions, perhaps discreet boxes placed at the entrance in to the facility.

Here are some pictures from the Circuit Assembly from an amazing Jehovah's Witness meeting hall, the Stanley Theatre. Most meeting places are not this ornate. Circuit Assembly, Stanley Theatrehttp://family.webshots.com/album/192410240ilMmnJ

Here are detailed notes from a Circuit Assembly last year:
Notes from a typical circuit assemblyhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/105774/1.ashx

And a YouTube portrayal of a typical DISTRICT ASSEMBLY (slightly larger). Note the badges, which are given only to members who are pioneers or publishers. My husband, who is not COMPLETELY accepted by the Jehovah's Witnesses, worries every year if he will be given his own badge.

YouTube Circuit Assemblyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVaRRIKJ08c&NR=1

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 6:29 AM MDT
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Monday, 28 November 2005
Analysis of the talk, "Do Not Follow Artfully Contrived Stories"
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Backgrounder

Here's my notes from the Public Talk, "Do Not Follow Artfully Contrived Stories", taken in the summer of 2005 at our annual District Convention.

Logical Fallacy Employed [bracketed phrases are my additions and comments] repetitive phrases in red

[Opening illustration]

[Nazi] Goebbels - watch your little children before Passover.

[Evolutionist] Richard Dawkins -It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that).

- you will not die.

Plays the logical fallacy, "Hitler card". http://www.fallacyfiles.org/adnazium.html The implication is that propaganda is bad because Hitler employed the propagandist Goebbels.

In context, Goebbels repeated age-old myths and about the Jewish people to spark fear and hatred:

Anti-Semitic hate spewed out of the press and government information offices during this period. Julius Streicher's Der Sturmer, a German newspaper, carried a 14-page special issue which included the age-old charge that Jews used Christian blood to bake their Passover matzoh.


In context, Richard Dawkin's quote in full.


Technically, Dawkin's quote is not an example of propaganda, just an inflammatory comment to a fundamentalist. An outrageous claim must be supported to be taken seriously. Dawkins does provide this with his book, Blueprints: Solving the Mystery of Evolution.

Propagandists are put in the same bed with Hitler, Evolutionists, and

. Logical fallacy: "Guit by Association"


Set up for later strawman argument. Since propaganda is bad, any negative information about the Faithful and Discreet Slave is also bad.http://www.fallacyfiles.org/strawman.html

Deception, propaganda, false stories. Develop our discernment.

2 Peter 1:16 Eyewitness of His magnificence.

Divinely inspired spiritual truth.

Is the audience given specific instructions or guidance on how to discern false from true?

Full quote, 2 Peter 1:16 NWT No, it was not by following artfully contrived false stories that we acquainted YOU with the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it was by having become eyewitnesses of his magnificence.

Interestingly, here Peter is seeking to convince his audience that he has not made outrageous claims about Christ, that they can be backed up by eyewitness accounts. Can the Watchtower society back up their claims as well, such as "Jesus was enthroned invisibly in 1914"?


Stick Men vs Accomplished Artists

Liars vs Con Artists

This illustration suggests that the makers of false stories and propaganda are slick, skilled. Perhaps an implication that the average listener could not discern on their own if they were being lied to.

and fellow Apostates are artists in developing false stories.

and Apostates are lumped together. There is no further mention of Apostates in the talk. Perhaps the WTS is hinting that Apostates influence higher education, the media, and the internet?

Propaganda is spreading like gangrene, undermine the bible, true Christian teaching. As bizarre and hate-laden as Goebbels.

Reference to the Straw Man introduced at the beginning of the talk, the Hitler card. Straw Man fallacy. http://www.fallacyfiles.org/strawman.html

Outrageous claim, no specific examples are given. The one who makes an outrageous, extraordinary claim is obliged to prove it.

Logical fallacy, "Weak Analogy"


Higher Education.

Education gateway to success.

Success through learning.

Drive of this system is to be elevated by education or financial status. People are convinced pursuing these things will provide satisfaction.

Matthew 5:3 Life and happiness. World provides so much propaganda on what makes us happy or free.

What does higher education have to do with artfully contrived stories? Logical fallacy, Red Herring.http://www.fallacyfiles.org/redherrf.html

Full quote, Matthew 5:3 NWT Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.

Carrot, suggesting that people who take care of their spirtual needs are truly happy. It is suggesting that other's pursuit of wealth or goods are under the influence of propaganda and are not really happy or free.

Pornography. World attitude is "It’s safe". 260 million pornographic images.

Sex is most commonly used word in all search engines.

More commonplace, acceptable.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

God disapproves of covetous sexual appetite.

View of world towards marriage. "The Right to Try Again" book quote.

What does pornography have to do with propaganda? Logical fallacy, Red Herring.


The the internet is targetted, ambiguously, as a source of propaganda.

Full quote, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 NWT NWT 3 For this is what God wills, the sanctifying of YOU, that YOU abstain from fornication; 4 that each one of YOU should know how to get possession of his own vessel in sanctification and honor, 5 not in covetous sexual appetite such as also those nations have which do not know God;

I was not successful in finding the book or quote mentioned.

Media wrong information and spread far and wide. Relentless efforts of

to spread lies.

Incessant barrage of propaganda.

Collosians 2:8 Look out

Congregations were warned back then what they will face.

Full quote, Collosians 2:8 NWT NWT, Look out: perhaps there may be someone who will carry YOU off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary things of the world and not according to Christ;

But what are the criteria are we to use to discern if the person is trustworthy? Is the Watchtower speaker giving the audience tools for discernment, or are various groups simply lumped together? Who is using "empty deception"?

Matthew 19:6[???]

World’s philosophies and false stories. Whose interests are served by the World’s philosophies?


The verse in context doesn't make sense. I may have copied it wrong.

Good question. Whose interests are served when the media breaks a story?

Whose interests are served to demonize the media, higher education, and the internet?

All designed to weaken our faith in the organization and the teachings of the Faithful and Discreet Slave today.

No specific examples cited. Slippery Slope fallacy. There is a design? Who is the designer?



Merry go round.

Spinning so fast to make you fall.

Place of protection is to move to the centre and hold on tight.

Stories swirling around us.

Stick to the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

Carefully following the direction they give to us.

Focus on something stable, prevents the nausea.

These stories that are designed to dizzy us and confuse us.

Direct emotional appeal.


I can see the scenario as plain as day.

I provide a reasoned argument to a Jehovah's Witness.

They begin a Cognitive Dissonant episode, suddenly feeling faint.

"Wait! Faint? Dizzy? I was warned these feelings are from Satan. Away from me you worker of inquity! Where's my Watchtower so I can cling to it? When's the next meeting?"

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 6:47 AM MST
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Saturday, 26 November 2005
Trust in a Religiously Divided Household
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Backgrounder
I polled a group of Unbelieving Mates, or UBM's on their feelings on trust in their marriage. From the poll results it is clear that intimacy, trust, and honesty go together. Each is impacted by the others in dozens of ways. Any can be improved or weakened by action or inaction, each of these principles of relationships require effort to achieve and maintain. It is clear too, that if communication and intimacy had broken down before a partner changes faiths, it makes it doubly hard afterward to salvage the tatters. All human relationships involve trust to varying degrees. Marriage is probably one of the ultimate expressions of trust because both of you are vulnerable on so many fronts (physical, emotional, financial ). Before making a major life change (like changing religious beliefs), think of your spouse.

Trust means:
- You've got their back.
- Trust can be like money, it can lost but can be earned back. The earning it is hard once it is lost.
- When you trust someone, you can rely on them and have confidence in the decisions they will make. I think it’s closely related to predictability.
- Marriage is completely betting the farm on another person. Not just yours, but all your progeny as well.

Want to be trusted?

-Say what you mean and mean what you say.
- Stay trustworthy, even when it hurts, especially through the tough times.

Here are some more comments:
Trust is a very big issue in the divided religious household. I have had 3 major surgeries and some illnesses since my husband and I have been married. I had to trust him that he would follow my instructions against his religious beliefs. That's a big thing. But in the same regard, I have to do the same if he's ever in that situation. And we were in that situation this summer. I watched him say no to blood products while having surgery. While I completely disagree with this, its his life and his decision to make.

I just asked my wife if she trusts me. She said "not entirely." I asked "why?". She said, "Because I know you are going through some sort of midlife crisis these days, and I don't know really what to expect from you..." I had to laugh because she is such a straight shooter, and because I can only imagine how she must see me in her ultra-moral and boring JW life, where I am the evil atheist who is screwing up his life and throwing caution to the wind and has a purposeless existence. Which is all true, I may add. But ya, I can see what she means. I have had a lot of surprises for her in the last year. Probably coming out of the closet as an atheist that had been praying to a non-existent Jehovah, and closing in a non-existent Jesus' name, and commenting at the book study about stuff that I thought was total BS for months and months, was a blow to her trust in me. It seems silly to me, but it's obviously not to her.

The biggest break of trust in our marriage happened when he realized that I wasn't going to be a JW anymore. For a while it really shook his trust in me. He thought that everything about me had changed. In fact, he told me that he didn't know me anymore, that I wasn't the person he had married anymore. That hurt, because I was the same person, still a good wife and mother... believing that the WTBTS is not God's mouthpiece on earth does not make me a bad person!! Once he realized that my ‘apostate’ activities were a betrayal to the WTS and not to him personally, or to our marriage, the trust he had in me before all this slowly returned.
I have never lied to him or misled him or hidden anything important from him - until now, leaving the [Watchtower Society]. And he knows that I hide some things now, but he also knows the reasons why. And I honestly think that if he didn't trust me so much, he would give me a much harder time about my clandestine activities than he does.

The big thing where we are lacking is that she joined [the Watchtower Society] after I asked her to put it off. I only wanted a little time to understand the implications of her baptism. I also thought it was reasonable to ask her to look at the facts, with me, with a fresh set of eyes. I felt that, as her husband, this was a completely reasonable request. I would never have joined if she came to me that way. But the effects of mind control are deep and profound. She made a profound change in our life without my consent. To me, there is no "us". There is only "her". Even if she left the [Watchtower Society] tomorrow, I would still be looking for her next catastrophic choice.

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 8:46 AM MST
Updated: Saturday, 26 November 2005 8:48 AM MST
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Saturday, 19 November 2005
Elder comeback lines
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Backgrounder
I don't mind if there are legitimate reasons and arguments to be a Jehovah's Witnesse, but I dislike the use of manipulation.

When a Jehovah's Witness starts to express doubts, often a lot of pressure is brought to bear for them to stay. Very often, this pressure is brought on by JW elders. Here are some common questions and manipulative statements used by elders to convince a JW to remain.

Even if an exiting JW doesn't come back with the perfect comeback, knowing how you they are being manipulated inoculates them from it's effects. They will have a lot less trouble walking away without answering the Elder's interrogation.

You have a problem, brother.Is my problem that you're unloving?Scriptures?
Did you get this information off the internet?I am confused by your question. If it is correct, does it matter where it came from? Would you turn away truth from a donkey?Scriptures?
Why do you always point to negative things? You used to be such a positive person.You aren't asking me what I like about the organization. I didn't (leave;stop going to meetings/field service) because of positive things.Scriptures?
Selective bible quotes like: They were not of our sort and went out from us. Are you not of our sort?If I take out the trash, am I not of your sort? No? Just because someone leaves does not mean they are no longer part of us, right? We have to ask ourselves, WHY are they leaving?Scriptures?
We don't know what your situation is, and we don't want to get too personal.I appreciate that. It is best if you don't risk inquiring about things that really aren't anyone else's business.1 Thessalonians 4:11
Deal breakers

This is used when the elders have given up trying to turn you and want to establish a good reason not to talk to you any more.
Do you still believe that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is Jehovah's representative here on earth in our day?I am not sure anymore. One thing that weakens my confidence is that they seem scared of anyone who doubts the truth of that.Matthew 10:24-31
Wait on Jehovah.Should I use this advice on contributions, too? If Jehovah will provide, we don't have to bother. I am waiting. I am just avoiding meetings while I wait.Scriptures?
Put it all in the bin.Answer?Scriptures?
Why not be like Moses and accept the situation for now, who knows what Jehovah has in store for you?Moses left his homeland of birth and waited at a great distance. And no human or group of humans set him on his eventual purpose.Scriptures?
Increase Cognitive Dissonance
You've invested so much already, it would be a shame to throw it all away.I know, doesn't it all seem wasted? Why go on this way, expecting more of the same? What if I had eaten only McDonald's my whole life and the doctor said it would kill me if I kept going that way? Would it matter how much I had invested?Scriptures?
Can you take your stumbling blocks and turn them into stepping stones?Yes. But since I was stumbled by path XXX, wouldn't it make more sense to try a different?less dangerous?path next time?Scriptures?
Our kids grew up together.I know. I will miss many of the people I love so much. But I can't afford to make decisions about religion based on emotion, can I?Scriptures?
Instill Guilt
Even if you just KNOW about a sin, and you don't notify the Elders of that person's sin, it's as if you committed the sin yourself.[search furiously through NT] I must have missed that one. Where does it say that in any instructions to Christians?Scriptures?
We miss you.We love you.Great! Why don't you give me a call next week and we'll go for coffee.Scriptures?
We missed your partner at the meeting.Great! Why don't you give us a call next week and we'll go for coffee.Scriptures?
We understand that sometimes it's difficult to express ourselves when we have been accused of committing a sin. Is there anything we can do to help you express your feelings about how this all started?First, you could stop comparing an accusation to a conviction. You can help me to express myself by telling me who made an accusation, what evidence there is of the accusation, and whether you have already found me guilty of the accused behavior. Once you have done that I may have some things to tell you.Scriptures?
It's so nice to see you here as a family.Answer?Scriptures?
We love you.O, how I wish I could believe that!Scriptures?
What do we tell the brothers?About what?Scriptures?
Is there anything that you feel that you ought to be telling us?Oh, yes! I have many things to tell you, but I'm not sure you can bear them.Scriptures?
Instill self-doubt
How do you know Jehovah hears your prayers?Why do think Jehovah is listening to your prayers? What's the evidence?Scriptures?
You know what you did was wrong.Are you talking to me or a mirror? I know what I did, you only know what you say I did.Scriptures?
If you're stumbled maybe it's because you want to be stumbled, maybe you're looking for an excuse to slow down.So, by this reasoning, no Witness could actually be stumbled by someone or something else. Is that what Jesus said?Luke 17:1-4
Instill Fear
How do you know Jehovah hears your prayers?I haven't lost confidence in Jehovah. All who call on him in confidence, he hears. As long as they pray in accordance with his will. Don't you believe that?Isaiah 30:18, 19; 1 John 5:13-15
Is your choice worth giving up your life for?Are my choices worth living for?Scriptures?
See what happens when you leave Jehovah?I see what happens when you leave an organization that speaks in Jehovah's name. Is that the same as leaving Jehovah?Scriptures?
Sometimes you think you can get away with things, but Jehovah sees everything, and it will be much worse for you to be judged by HIMHow true that is! Maybe someone should write and remind the Governing Body that their accountability for error is greater than mine.Romans 2:1-11
Here are some scriptures on Apostacy. You don't want to go apostate, do you? 2 Tim 3:10-14, 2 Tim 2, 2 Tim 1 20-21, 2 Thess 15:2, 1 John 2:18-19, 2 Peter 2.I don't want to apostatize myself from God, Jesus, or the Bible. But none of these scriptures discusses leaving an organization, do they? Hasn't the Governing Body also said the resurrection has already occurred? Starting in 1919?Galatians 1:6-9; 2 Timothy 2:18
As in the days of Noah, the people were laughing and mocking, until the flood came and took them all away.Yes, they took no note at all of the ark, God's means of salvation. Why do we say the organization is God's means of salvation instead of Jesus? Isn't Jesus the modern day ark? Was Jesus apostate since he directed people to a different approach to God than the organization of his day?2 Peter 3; John 14:6-7
Where else will you go?
Suppose you are entirely correct. What then? Where will you go?I will figure that out once I know whether or not I am entirely correct. Can you show me that I am not entirely correct?1 John 4:1; Ephesians 5:15-17; Phillipians 1:8-11
Suppose this isn't Jehovah's Organization. Where will you go??If it isn't, then anywhere else would be preferable.Revelation 18:4-8
Suppose this isn't Jehovah's Organization. Which one is?If we are still living in the Great Apostasy, why would there have to be one?2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
So, if this isn't God's Organization, how will you carry out the worldwide preaching work?Hm. I don't know. How was it carried out during the Great Apostasy?2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
So if you don't believe XXX anymore, what do you believe?I believe all of my beliefs should be based on (the Bible/logic). Is that wrong? I also believe I don't have to necessarily tell everyone what I believe. You don't think I should tell everyone what I believe, do you?Hebrews 5:14; Romans 12:1, 2; Acts 17:10, 11
What other organization has done more for the truth?Hm. That's a good question! I really should do more research before I answer it.Scriptures?
Where else will you find such loving, clean people to be with?I did not want a kind of 'social club'. I joined because I thought I had 'the truth', If only one person has the truth in a tin shed somewhere then this is where I would want to be. Besides, many aren't loving and if they were clean they wouldn't need constant policing.Scriptures?
This is still the best way of life even if there is no paradise.I disagree. The best way of life is a personal relationship with God. And being able to trust that you have a helper with God and a High Priest with God, and that these are not imperfect. My leader doesn't make mistakes and would never stumble me.Scriptures?
If this is not Jehovah's organisation then how do you explain the growth?Um, are you suggesting that growth is proof of God's blessing? Then how do you explain the Mormons? How do you explain the Buddhists? How do you explain the explosion of growth among Evangelical religions? I would call growth a "powerful work," nice to look at but it can't be used as proof of favor.Matthew 7:15-23

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 10:09 AM MST
Updated: Saturday, 19 November 2005 8:43 PM MST
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Friday, 18 November 2005
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Backgrounder
Includes trigger words, acronyms, and WTS in-house definitions. Everyday words take on a whole new meaning with the Jehovah's witnesses. Understanding how JW's react and interpret these words can help you avoid setting off a reaction. You will also be able to recognize a hidden insult.

I'll fill in these definitions as I go, a work in progress. Or, you may add your own.

apostate: Anapostate is someone who abandons a previous loyalty (to a faith, movement, political party, etc.) Leaders or defenders of a high control group may attempt to discredit the testimony of former members, accusing them of malicious or ulterior motive for their criticism.

This linklink provides excerpts from the Watchtower Society?s own literature on their definition and assigned motive to apostates.

brother: It is not uncommon in some churches to address fellow members as "sister" or "brother". There are examples in the New Testament where Jesus and his disciples addressed each other as brothers. Source, watchtowerwiki.org.

Christendom: A Jehovah's Witness swear word. Refers to all Christians who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. All are condemned for subscribing to the trinity, something the JW's consider an apostate, or pagan doctrine.

Conscience Matter: The Watchtower society gives a double message regarding conscience. One one hand, "Jehovah's Witnesses avoid making rules and regulations beyond those provided in the Scriptures, and they do not follow traditions that contradict Bible teachings. Emphasis is placed on personal application of Bible principles and the value of a sound, Bible-based conscience.?Matthew 15:9; 2 Corinthians 1:24." Source, www.jw-media.org

On the other hand, the Watchtower society considers some decisions to be automatic disassociation from their fellowship. Such decisions include military service and accepting a blood transfusion. Is it a conscience matter if there is a penalty from making the "wrong" choice? There are sections of their magazine dedicated to resolving the finer points of conscientious decisions, called "Questions from Readers" (Watchtower) and "Young People Ask" (Awake).

Faithful and Discreet Slave (FDS): An ambiguous class of anointed Jehovah's Witnesses who are the spiritual guides for members of the Watchtower Society. The FDS (Matthew 24:45) are to be trusted implicitly by it's membership. A JW who doubts the FDS is apostate. The number of FDS class is exclusive and fixed to 144,000 anointed individuals (Revelation 7:4), male and female, from the time of Pentecost to 1918. There are approximately 8,000 alive today. Interestingly, the Watchtower Society is governed by a much smaller executive, not all who are of the FDS class.

FDS = Faithful and Discreet Slave

field service: Jehovah?s Witnesses actively go door to door with their message, following Jesus? grand commission to preach the good news to all the nations. (Matthew 28:18-20) Each congregation has an assigned district, and this is further broken down to territories to be covered by Jehovah?s Witnesses to cover. Every Jehovah?s Witness is required to submit a monthly field service report slip.

Every Jehovah?s Witness has a quota of field service hours to meet to remain in good standing, and there are two levels of commitment; Publisher and Pioneer.

For more, see: watchtowerwiki.org

Fresh Meat: This is my personal term for how a potential "interested one" is viewed by an evangelizing Jehovah's Witness. Fresh Meat receive warm and persistent interest, unless the JW comes to believe that you are "opposed". You'll never hear an active JW use the term Fresh Meat.

How to Find Joy in Disciple Making - Recognizing Potential ?Sheep? - Watchtower Feb 15, 1996

Yet, sincere ones are not always easily recognized. Luis relates: ?Some who seemed very interested turned out to be not interested at all, but others who seemed opposed at first changed when they heard what the Bible really says.?

great crowd:

hall: short for Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witnesses. They won't refer to their meeting place as a church.

hope: Hope to a JW is hope of resurrection in a paradise earth. If a JW tells you that you have no hope they are saying you don't believe you will be resurrected on paradise earth. (Matthew 5:5)

humble: A favored JW trait. See meek.

imperfect: The WTS teaches that Adam was the first perfect man(Genesis 1:27). When Adam was kicked out of Eden, he condemned the rest of humanity to imperfection and death. They believe that the restoration of paradise earth will restore that original perfection in man. JW's talk a lot more about imperfection than sin. JW's often use imperfection for an excuse when they fail, and also excuse lapses from their leadership as "imperfection".

interested one: see Fresh Meat.

internet: A vehicle by way "apostates" spread "lies" about the Jehovah's Witnesses. "Well, interestingly, the consensus among the brothers was that the only real negative effect was on the brothers and sisters in their circuits and districts who had listened to the apostate teachings. And usually, it's been via TV documentaries or the Internet."
Source, "Beware the Voice of Strangers" lecture, Give God Glory Convention, 2003.

"Again, do you note the trait typical of strangers? They hide who they are - Just as Satan hid his identity by using a serpent. Today, some immoral people hide their identity and true intentions by using the Internet. In chat rooms, perverse adults may even pose as youths to lure you in to a trap." Source: "Beware the Voice of Strangers" Watchtower Magazine, September 1, 2004, page 16.

JW = Jehovah's Witness

KH = Kingdom Hall


meek: A highly valued Jehovah's Witness trait (Matthew 5:5). JW's believe only the meek will inherit paradise earth. A JW who fails to show meek submission to his leaders will not progress very far. May also be used as an insult, as in, "You are not very meek, brother". See also: hope


pure worship: Attending Kingdom Hall meetings.

return visit:


study: Study of Watchtower materials. As these materials are trusted implicitly (see Faithful and Discreet Slave)a Jehovah's Witness will rarely research any outside literature. The main study books and indexes include "Reasoning from the Scriptures", "Aid to Bible Understanding", and "Insight on the Scriptures". These books are published privately by the WTBTS, are not available through libraries or book stores, and are not provided to outsiders who have not first signed up for a study. Also handy for research is the Watchtower CD, also carefully dispensed. Nevertheless, most of this material is available on E-bay.

time card:

True Christian: Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves the only true Christians. If you see this phrase in their literature, know they are specifically excluding the rest of Christendom.

UBM = Unbelieving Mate

unbeliever: Anyone who is not a Jehovah's Witness.

unbelieving mate: Anyone married to a Jehovah's Witness who is not one themselves.

undeserved kindness:

unequally yoked: Anyone who is married to someone who is an "unbeliever" (2 Corinthians 6:14)

Wait on Jehovah: Jehovah's Witnesses are commended for waiting silently for Jehovah's deliverance from injustice or trail, whether from within or without the organization.

Source: Wait on Jehovah, Watchtower October 15, 1986

David was content to ?wait silently? for God to act in his behalf. (Psalm 62:1-7) Having submitted to Jehovah?s will, he felt secure and had quiet confidence in God. If we have such trust in Jehovah, ?the peace of God? will guard our hearts and mental powers while we await divine deliverance from foes and tribulations.?Philippians 4:6, 7; Psalm 33:20

worldly: Anyone who is not a Jehovah's Witness. Any activity that does not include field service, meeting attendance, and study. (James 4:4)

WTBTS = Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

WTS = Watchtower Society

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 12:01 AM MST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 November 2005 3:21 PM MST
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Wednesday, 16 November 2005
The Sunday Public Talk and Study - What to Expect
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Backgrounder
There may come a time you want to attend a Jehovah's Witness meeting. This description is meant to reduce your jitters and to give you some idea what the meeting will be like. Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves in their uniformity. It is therefore quite easy to describe a meeting, as they are run the same all over the world.

The Program

- Opening song - speaker leads congregation to settle in their seats. Congregation members bring along their own song books, they are not left in the pews. All verses will be sung. In most congregations, the music will be piped, no live music team. After the song, the speaker for the public talk is introduced.

- - Opening prayer - The speaker will start the service with an opening prayer.
- Public talk - The speaker may be a elder or ministerial servant either locally or from somewhere else in the circuit. Once in a while a higher official in the organization comes for a talk. Women are never assigned public talks. Circuit Overseer visits are eagerly anticipated and better attended than a regular service. Congregation members expect the Circuit Overseer to share insight on the latest direction of the organization.

- Middle Song - To signal the break from one part of the program to another, the speaker will lead the congregation in the second song of the day.

- Watchtower Study - In each Watchtower magazine, on the inside front cover, is a reference to the songs to be sung and the study to be conducted for that service. Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves in their unifomity. This very same study will be conducted around the world on the same day. It is considered bad form to attend the study without a magazine. If you do not have a magazine, you will be provided one. Follow along on the page as the study is conducted. If the service must be shortened for some reason, they may skip reading each paragraph. If not, an assigned brother on the stage will stand, read each paragraph in turn and sit down. The conductor then asks the congregation the assigned questions printed on the bottom of the Watchtower study. People put up their hand and the conductor directs the microphone handler for the assigned person to answer. Very nearly always the underlined section of the paragraph is read back to the speaker, slightly paraphrased. Young children are occassionally called upon, who may reliably answer "Jehovah" to the question, much to the amusement of the gathering.

- Closing Song

- End of Service - This is when visitors are approached by the curious and the active Pioneers. Be ready for the friendly touching, questions, invitations, and active interest. This might suddenly drop off if it turns out you are not a potential study.

Different than a Church

- No passing of the plate or overt appeals for financial support. There will be boxes discreetly placed by the exits where congregation members can place their donations.

- There will be no crosses or other symbols of the Christian faith common in other churches. There may be artwork of pastoral scenes that the JW's look forward to in a new paradise earth.

- There is a bulletin board, but it is not covered with colorful posters. The board contains schedules for janitorial cleanup, speaking assignments, and other formal announcements. Below there are slots for various forms that JW's fill out as part of their field service requirements.

- There is a book counter to hand out magazines and other publications on order.

- Behind the scenes there are a warren of private meeting rooms and a library for elder's meetings. There may be an apartment set up to accommodate visiting speakers. (Circuit Overseers work full-time in the ministry and spend a good time on the road travelling between halls).

- No Sunday School rooms or nursery rooms to accomodate babies and children. Families sit together through the service.

Same as a Church
Chairs neatly arranged in front of a platform.

There will be a podium for the speaker.

There will be an opening prayer

The congregation stands when they sing, and sits for the speaking part.

There is a public talk.

The People

The people will look like people everywhere, only more conservatively dressed. The men will be clean-shaven and in suit and tie. The women will all wear dresses. The little boys generally, are dressed in little suits as well. You likely won't see any tattoos or body piercings.

If you talk about normal things like weather, children, shopping, sports, or hobbies, the people you talk to will be as regular as your next door neighbour. If you mention spiritual subjects or the current state of our world, the person before you will be transformed in to a sales representative for the "Happiest People on Earth." I suggest you enjoy your time with these nice people, recognizing the pitch for what it is.

If you observe carefully, you will see a few people ignored at the back (under discipline of some sort), and newcomers will receive extra attention. Questions will be asked of a newcomer to sort out of they might be Fresh Meat.

General Appearance
Most Kingdom Halls are "Quick Builds" and often have a uniformity in layout and appearance. They stay away from architectural religious conventions like steeples, but they likely will have a small foyer, possibly a coat room, easily accessible washrooms and a medium-sized meeting room.

Everything will be neat and orderly because Jehovah's Witnesses take pride in order and neatness. The grass will be well-groomed, the hedges neatly trimmed.

Other Notes

- Punctuality. Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves on their order, uniformity, and punctuality. The service will start on time. The conductor and the speaker will stick to the program and close on time. All the songs will be sung in order, all verses.

- Microphone handling. We don't have a comparable assignment in the churches, aside from the sound team. Jehovah's Witness microphone handlers are a little more hands-on, adjusting the microphone for each speaker, for instance. This is more apparent at the larger gatherings.

- The groups remain quite small, running not much over a hundred people, including children. Growing congregations are split to keep the groups manageable.

- There is a higher proportion of leaders (elders and ministerial servants) to congregation members than you see in a church, but fewer assignments. A man will be assigned to the book counter. Other men will be asigned to handle the microphones and the sound, and more men will be assigned to conduct the meeting and deliver the public talk. What is missing that I see my church, though, are the music team, the Sunday School team, the ushers (elders and MS's cover this at the KH), the greeters, and the praying grandmas. The only assignments open for women is Publisher or Pioneer, and their role is not needed for the Sunday meeting. You may be approached afterwards by a female pioneer looking for a book study, however (Fresh Meat).

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 7:35 AM MST
Updated: Friday, 18 November 2005 7:09 AM MST
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Sunday, 13 November 2005
Intimacy in a Religiously Mixed Marriage
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Backgrounder
When I talk about intimacy in this article, I am referring to "warm friendship developing through long association, and of a very personal or private nature". One of the benefits I deeply appreciate about marriage is the sense of teamwork, "us against the world", that, when disaster comes knocking (loss of a parent, financial crisis) my lifemate is at my side. I also enjoy moments of intimacy with my husband, though I am not sure he is built to process the broad range of feelings I can jam in to a single session. I also depend on a network of girlfriends for my confessionals. Hubby cannot depend on me keeping my interest when he gets on one of his sports rants. He seeks out other men to get his sports fix. Is it possible for a couple in a mixed marriage to remain intimate?

My daughter married an intelligent and sensitive man from Rwanda. He speaks French more fluently than English. Nothing could be more different, or exotic, than the world he was raised in. I am proud that I raised a child who sees more opportunity than obstacles when she married man so different than her. My advice for a mixed-cultural marriage would be to respect your differences, take time to learn the other culture, celebrate and value each partner's unique contribution, adopt the good, and drop the bad. My son-in-law now does housework and recycles pop cans, to the enduring scorn of his immigrant friends. My daughter has picked up a shocking number of African jokes, many of which feature randy goats.

Why is it that I am more resentful to my partner's difference in religious beliefs? I think it has to do with the exclusionary and bigoted features of a high-control group like the Jehovah's Witnesses. I've seen the same frozen smile on the faces of my husband's congregation as I was introduced as the (whispered) "Unbelieving Wife", as my daughter experiences from regular Canadian bigots. Though little is said, as is the Canadian way, I know their highest hope was that this embarrassing situation would be quickly resolved with a swift conversion. It was assumed that I was in an inferior state and needed repair.

It is this fundamental lack of respect for my differences that makes it very difficult to embrace the features of the Jehovah's Witnesses that are worthy of imitation. (Be faithful, don't smoke, wash behind your ears). What I likely miss the most is not being able to pray together. I am used to praying about nearly everything. I can pray anywhere. My Anglican girlfriend swore she would hide under the table if I dared try it in a public food court. Hubby is not used to leading in prayer out loud. I miss not being able to pray together a great deal.

A second threat to intimacy in a mixed religious marriage is when one partner changes beliefs. This becomes a direct threat to the other partner, as they committed to the other with certain expectations in mind. The betrayal may be the same as a partner who changes their mind about having children, for instance. Changes in fundamental belief is a definite threat to the marriage bond.

I polled a community of ex-witnesses and "Unbelieving Mates" to find out how a change in beliefs affected their marriage. I received a full range of reponses. It seems the level of intimacy sought or desired has a lot to do with the relative health of the marriage. Had the couple ever established a common bond?

Here are some more comments from my polled group:

I could totally tell SOMETHING was up with my husband when he started to have his crisis of faith. I just didn't know what. He was always a million miles away, distracted, and totally not there even when he was physically there.

I can't believe what a difference not having the "big elephant in the room" has made in our relationship....It's amazing that the very thing I have been taught my whole life, (study, service, meetings, pray together) ...is the VERY things that blocked true intimacy for us because he NEVER wanted to do those things in the first ten years of our marriage and he couldn't tell me that!

At first it increased the level of intimacy, because when you go through the deconversion you both evaluate practically everything. The meaning of life, and devotion to each other. However, ...with the dust settling, the lines of communication closed as she did not want to talk about pretty much anything of substance, for she had to "protect her faith".

It affects intimacy. Especially for an atheist. Let's think about that for a second. She loves, intimates and is dedicated more to a nonexistent myth, than she is to me, the flesh and blood, manifestly real human partner. How would you feel? Like a third wheel on a car made of cardboard.

While I was changing I was very frightened, and it got in the way of a lot of joy. These days, not a chance!

How can I be intimate with someone who won't allow me to speak, let alone listen to what I have to say?

It just changes the entire fabric of the relationship when one is a Jehovah's Witness. It always feels like there is a whole cong in a room with you. Rather puts a damper on life! You can never be truly free with that person again. It costs you dearly in ways you could never have imagined before.

My marriage was never especially intimate before my doubting and fading began. What with the pressures of serving in the congregation, meetings, service, study, kids, television, extended family, etc. As my doubts increased and eventually solidified I wanted more intimacy. I felt the need to explain all the new thoughts I was having and the research behind them. I burst forth like a weak dam in a rainy season.

We do discuss religious issues from time to time and I strive to be exactly the opposite of how I view the society – dogmatic. I put things forward as ideas and possibilities and we discuss from there.

The religious subjects we discuss are JW-Lite. They aren’t subjects that will deeply question her faith. On the rare occasion when a serious religious subject comes up I remain non-committal in my anti-JW stance.

I long for the day when I can be completely open about my feelings and be accepted by my wife regardless of whether she agrees or not. She may never leave the truth, but I do feel she’ll accept me as long as I am a good husband in other areas.

The problem is always that the second you say something not doctrinally correct, they have to correct you. ...Speaking to her on spiritual matters isn't like speaking to a human being. It is more like speaking to a salesman.

Leaving the WTS is an emotionally traumatic experience. The emotional support that I desperately need from my husband is not there, and instead I find myself in the postion of peace-keeper in our marriage when all I want is for him to tell me that everything is going to be OK.

I truly believe some JW's attend not because of what is said, but in spite of what is said. (e.g. For family and community, not for doctrine.)

I already know how he will view my opinion on anything I've learned and know he pities me for being misled. These feelings don't bring about intimacy.

It just sucks knowing you will always be put behind the demands of the WTS. Leaving it has unquestionably affected our relationship but I think it bothers me more than him.

My Recommendation

If you have discovered that your partner is making a fundamental change in their beliefs, proceed with caution.

If you are the one changing your beliefs, proceed with caution. Remember how you would have felt a few short months ago if your partner had made such a critical change.

Make an assessment on the relative health of your marriage and the intimacy you share.

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 9:18 PM MST
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Addressing Negative, Dissonant Emotions
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Backgrounder
A Jehovah's Witness has trouble hearing conflicting ideas if it causes emotional upset. These negative emotions may be fear, embarrassment, or some other discomfort. Address the negative emotions, and your partner will be more likely hear what you have to say.

Here's a small table of dissonant emotions and how you might address them. I bring up these reassurances all day, not just when we are discussing spiritual things. I reinforce that my partner has nothing to fear, has done nothing to be ashamed of. If he has prayed about his failing, I reassure him that Jehovah hears his prayer.

Fear of eternal death. I have heard Elders use the fear of eternal death to get compliance from a congregation member.Reassure your partner that you are sure they are "Secure in Jehovah's Memory." Bring up the good works they have done recently. Remind them that God sees all that they do and does not forget. Remind them that when they confess their sins to God, he buries their sins in His sea of forgetfulness. If an elder has questioned your partner's eternal reward, ask him how the elder, an admittedly "imperfect man" could know your heart condition? Isn't a person's spiritual condition known by Jehovah alone?
Fear loss of spirituality or morality if the JW structure was gone.Give examples of when your partner made moral or spiritual choices on their own, without the aid of the elders or a Watchtower article. Reinforce your partner's personal strength of will.
Fear loss of friends and family. (This happens after the convert has cut off or alienated "worldly" friends and relatives. Maintain or build a network of friends outside of the Watchtower Society. Do this for yourself if necessary, your partner will get to know your friends through osmosis. This way, they have some hope of a social network outside of the WTS.
Fear that Satan or Evil Spirits are influencing you.When confronting your partner, speak calmly, don't swear, act like a Jehovah's Witness. If you think they may be fearing that your genuine concerns are from the Evil One, call them on it. "Do you believe me when I tell you I am worried? Do you understand that I have reasons to be concerned? You don't think I'm being influenced by an evil spirit, do you?"
Embarrassed that they may have wasted months or years on an empty cause. I've heard an elder use this argument with a discouraged JW more than once, "You have invested so much. Do you really want to throw all that hard work away now, when you are so close?"Use illustrations of gamblers or investors who can't walk away when they are down on their luck. Discuss the emotions of the gambler and why it is so hard to walk away. You don't have to associate this with the WT experience right away. Plant the seeds for reaping later. When they are ready to hear it, ask them what it would take for them to know that it is smarter to cut their losses and walk away?
Embarrassed, "How could I have been so stupid?"Smart people are just as vulnerable to cognitive dissonance as everyone else. Smart people are better at making excuses for their illogical behavior. Tell your partner that people who own up to their mistakes are smart, sexy, desireable, and stronger than the average person.
Uncomfortable that your challenges don't fit his new world view.Bring up alternate ideas in bits, drop seeds. The goal is not to set off a major dissonant episode.

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 7:50 PM MST
Updated: Sunday, 13 November 2005 7:55 PM MST
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Saturday, 5 November 2005
Secrecy: Pros and Cons
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Backgrounder

Who doesn't preserve their partner's feelings by not revealing the complete truth? My neighbour told this story from the early days of her marriage. Her husband, raised in poverty, never complained about the food set before him. He always cleaned his plate. She often made him chili, sometimes twice a week. Six years later they are in a restaurant. She sees chili on the menu and mentions it to her husband. "No way. I hate chili!" She was dismayed of course, but laughs about it now. Imagine, blissfully serving her husband something he hated, for six years!

My husband often asks me if I can see the new growth in his bald spot. I ask him if I look hot in my new dress. We both weigh the cost of complete honesty.

We may be compelled to keep our research private, since JW's have such an adverse reaction to any critical literature. They are taught that all critical material is from Satan. Just try and live with someone who thinks you are possessed by the Evil One. On the other hand, what kind of marriage survives a severe division in thought and mind? Sneaking around cannot last forever.

I have my own approach to privacy and secrecy, but it may not work for everybody. I polled a group of UBM's find out if they hide their JW research from their partner. If they did, was there a cost to their relationship? If they were completley open, what was the result?

Here's a summary of what I learned.

Here's some UBM stories from my poll:

The emotions of ubm's can range from despair, depression, rage, indifference, to how much longer? Moments of hope, moments of no hope, and anything in between all of those.

When I read apostate books openly in the past, it became a big scandal in the hall, and made everyone uncomfortable.

The most honest thing though, is to be honest about your emotions. You are likely going to be hurt or angry by your experiences with a jw loved one. You do need to make those feelings known or they will fester into resentment and rage. So by all means, discuss your feelings. Just be very careful to focus your discussions on the individual JW. Do not let the WTS become the focus.

My problem is simply the fact that most JW's spend their entire lives stumbling around, swaddled like mummies in layer after layer of bad information and outright falsehoods. If someone wants to be a JW after the bandages are removed; Fine.

Do you hide your reference materials from your partner? I did at first. He found my books in a closet a couple years ago and he asked me if he could take them and put them in a storage shed we rented. He claimed he had been having trouble sleeping at night and thought it was the demons surrounding the material I had.

I do not hide the fact that I use the internet and a message board, she does not want to know about it. My wife knows the score and is savvy enough to keep it quiet from the elders . Advice?...I would only say the same as in any marital dispute. Try and talk, try and keep it reasonable and not angry , and above all show that just because you left the WT, you have not changed into the kind of monster that the WT says we are....

I knew when I started my journey away from the witness that the road would be lonely and possibly cost me my wife and family. I've made myself suffer intolerable frustration, anger, guilt, pain and sickness to fade and not just get up and walk away. I've done it for my family and for no other reason. So far the payoff has been a closer family relationship and some leeway in witness rules and regulations. I can only hope that when the time comes to discuss things in more detail that I'm clear and sensible. I pray regularly for assitance with that.

When he first became aware that I was visiting anti-JW sites, he was really angry, which is saying something because he's a very laid-back kind of guy. He's gotten used to it now, and now I think his curiosity is getting to him. At times, I think he's dying to know who I'm talking to or what I'm reading. But he also knows that info is off limits to him, for my own self-preservation. I don't think he'll ever leave the WTS just to find out what I'm doing, but the fact that I can be so happy being away from the WT, when I have always been so 'spiritual', is gnawing at him I think.

(From a couple where she is now exiting from the JW's)

He: There were a couple of times I had JWD (www.jehovahs-witness.com ) open and she was walking towards my laptop and I wasn't sure I would close everything in time.

She: Yes, I did know something was up. I would walk over and he's be fumbling around on the computer and I'd be asking him a question and he'd be stuttering around..."What? What? " I figured he must be a porn addict or something!

He: Even though my wife was as good as "out" of the Org at one point, I NEVER offered her CoC or Christian Freedom or Gentile Times books until she SAID OUT LOUD: " I want to get the Gentile Times book." or "I would like to read one of Franz's books." During times of doubt in the future (which can likely happen) I do not want her to look back and even BEGIN to think I pushed the "apostate" literature on her in ANY way.

She: We are very open about everything now, but I am actually getting a taste of the sneaking around with info. thing now. Whenever someone drops by (JW's) I have to quickly scan the house to make sure I've put all my info. and books away. It's very hard to live like that! I still am hiding all my Ray Franz books in case someone drops by, or if my kids friends spot it and tell their parents.

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 6:21 AM MST
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Thursday, 3 November 2005
Baptism Questions, Organized to do Jehovah's Will
Mood:  cool
Topic: Backgrounder
Here are some sample questions from the book, "Organized to do Jehovah's Will", (c) WTBTS 2005 pages 183-215. Some of the questions I've posted to show how extensive commitment required of the baptismal candidate. The expected beliefs on God, Marriage, Health and Hygiene are all laid out. Some of the questions are just plain wacky. I've given the provided answers or scriptures for some of them that might be of interest to an UBM.

Part 1, Q 20 Who is Satan the Devil? Where did he and his demons come from?

Part 2, Q 2 What is the only Scriptural basis for divorce that frees one to remarry?

Part 2, Q 7 How does Jehovah view (a) the unlawful shedding of human blood? (b) abortion? (c) suicide?

Part 2, Q 8 What responsibility rests upon a person who is infected with a communicable disease that is potentially fatal?

Part 2 Q 9 To avoid transmitting an infectious or a potentially fatal disease to others, why should an infected person (a) not initiate public displays of affection such as hugging and kissing? (b) attend the Congregation Book Study at the Kingdom Hall if at all possible? (c) not react negatively when some choose not to invite them in to their homes? (d) Why should a person who may have been exposed to an infectious disease voluntarily choose to have a blood test before beginning a courtship? (e) Why should one having a communicable disease inform the presiding overseer before getting baptized?

Part 2 Q 13 How should Christians view the shortcomings of fellow believers?

Part 2 Q 20 Why should Christians abstain from all nonmedical use of addictive or mind-altering natural or synthetic substances?

Part 2 Q 29 What is the Christian's position as to the world alienated from God?
(Answer: They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. - John 17:16.
Do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God. - Jas. 4:4.)

Part 2 Q 31 When a person separates himself from the world and becomes a Christian, what treatment should he expect from those in the world?
(Quotes John 15:19, 20; 2 Tim. 3:12; 1 Pet. 4:4)

Part 2 Q 34 Would it be proper for true Christians to share in worship with other religious groups?
(Quotes Rev. 18:4, 5; Matt. 7:13, 14, 21-23; 1 Cor. 10:30; 2 Cor. 6:14-18)

Part 2 Q 36 How can you determine whether you should observe or participate in celebrations that are popular in your community?
(Quotes John 17:16; 1 Cor. 10:21; Ps. 106:35; 1
Pet. 4:3)

Part 3 Q 3 Is the wife whose husband is not a believer freed from his headship?
(Quotes 1 Pet. 3:1, 2)

Part 3: Q 13 What is the Governing Body of the Christian congregation?
(Quotes Acts 15:1, 2)

Part 3: Q 15 How do members of the congregation demonstrate submission to the headship of Christ in the congregation?
(Quotes Heb. 13:7; Heb: 13:17)

Part 3: Q 25 What should be our attitude toward giving of ourselves and of our material possessions in Jehovah's service?
(Quotes 1 Chron. 29:14; 2 Cor. 9:7)

Part 3: Q 26 What attitude should we have when we are persecuted or undergoing trial?
(Quotes Matt. 5:10-12; Jas. 1:2, 3; Acts 5:41)

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 6:14 AM MST
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