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Saturday, 29 October 2005
Oops, I forgot to give the reference for that quote
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: Welcome
"....all true Christians have to struggle against Satan the Devil..." WT September 1, 2005, page 13, para 2.

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 8:31 AM MDT
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Welcome Again!
Mood:  bright
Topic: Welcome
UBM Stands for "Unbelieving Mate". This is how Jehovah's Witnesses describe any partner of a Witness who has not joined the society. We are considered "unequally yoked" with our JW partner, and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WTBTS) predicts many problems in marriages like ours. In many ways, they are right. But is the society helping or hindering our marriage?

Here's a quote from a recent Watchtower article that gives you some idea on how UBM's are viewed by the society:

"...And while we have not all suffered direct persecution, all true Christians have to struggle against Satan the Devil and the spirit that he engenders among mankind. (Ephesians 2:2;6:12) It takes constant vigilance not to be influenced by that spirit, since we encounter it at work, at school, and in any other place where we have to rub shoulders with those who have no interest in pure worship."

This site is designed to prepare and forearm UBM's so we are not bowled over by the WTBTS steamroller. There are ways to counteract the society's negative effect, and with patience, we may even be able to help our partners exit the society sooner.

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 8:29 AM MDT
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Friday, 28 October 2005
Welcome to UBM Solution Finder
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Welcome
Welcome to UBM Blog. I'm trying out this format to see if it meets our needs. I'm not sure there is much security control, but I do have admin. rights of access.

Posted by ab6/jgnat at 9:54 PM MDT
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