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Below are some of the really interesting myths and legends about Stonehenge. These legends are mainly sourced from the web and some reference books. We have summarize them in this page, hoping that they will provide reading pleasure to you. =)


In the past, people worshipped the sun and were able to communicate with it.

One day, a group of followers wanted to build a temple to worship the sun. The sun directed them to a small forest by the river where they could find wood. By the next day, they managed to build a woodhenge. The sun was pleased.

After some time, the sun got stronger. She found that the woodhenge was not good enough and instructed them to find stones up north, to build a henge made of stone.

Hence, the devotees travelled to search for the sacred stones. After having found the stones, they destroyed the woodhenge and constructed the Stonehenge.

The sun loved their love for her. However, one day the sun discovered a long avenue of stones racing to the river. Being puzzled, the sun questioned the stones, “Where are thou heading to?” ( “Where are you heading to?”)

The stones then replied that they hoped that they could help spread the sun’s good doings to other parts of the world via water route. The Stonehenge was also built for this purpose such that descendents could know the sun’s good deeds. 


It was believed that giants once existed, before human evolved.

One day, the giants were dancing and circling around on the Salisbury Plain. Suddenly, they were frozen and turned into stones. This explains why Stonehenge consisted of concentric circle.

Many people believe this legend in the past because the shape of Stonehenge somewhat resembles the shape of giants holding hands, standing in a circle.



This “face” in the stone is only obvious on certain days during the summer period. Some believed that he was the architect of the Stonehenge. He had “possessed” one of the stones to ensure that the stones would come to no harm.



Stonehenges are also known as the “stone gallows”, which marks the end of one’s life. It is believed that the stonehenges are gateways to where human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

  The legend goes on to suggest that every 5,000 years or so, someone attempts to open one of them, which bring about some horribly catastrophic event.


Evil powers have also been associated with Stonehenge.  Many believed that the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge.

The stones were originally owned by an old woman who lived in Ireland. Satan, the devil, discovered them and wanted them for his own. Satan then dressed as a gentleman and visited the old woman, asking if the stones were for sale. When she appeared reluctant to sell the stones, Satan showed her a large bag of golden coins. He told her that she could have all the gold she could count in the time he took to move the stones. Thinking that a gentleman could never move such large stones before she finished counting the gold, she agreed readily.

Immediately, Satan used his magic powers to transport the stones back to Salisbury Plain in England, where the Stonehenge stand today. The old woman could not possibly count any gold in such a short time, so the cunning Satan kept it all.

Back in Salisbury, Satan set the stones up. He got egoistical, and bragged that no one would be able to tell how many stones there were. When asked, a local friar said, “that is more than thee canst tell”, which means, “That is more than can be told”. That was the correct answer. The devil became so enraged that he threw one of the large stones at the priest. The menhir hit the priest's heel, but the priest was so strong that his heel dented the stone. To this day the stone is called the "Heel Stone", named by John Aubrey, though some referred it as the Friar's Heel.

This tale is purely myth. But oddly enough, there is the imprint of a foot in the stone that archaeologists today call the Heel stone,


According to legend, in 450 AD, there was a very bloody war on Salisbury Plain between the British and the Saxons, who was the Hengest lead (an evil Saxon leader). The Saxons massacred three hundred English soldiers and buried them on Salisbury Plain.

King Aurelius Ambrosius, Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to the slain soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin, who told him about an existing stone circle in Ireland:


 King Arthur:

 “Send for the Giants’ Dance (a reference to the belief that the stones were originally giants or even dancing people who were turned into stone for celebrating on the Sabbath) which is on Mount Killaraus in Ireland.

In that place there is a stone construction which no man of this period could ever erect, unless he combined great skill and artistry. The stones are enormous, and there is no one alive strong enough to move them. If they are placed in position round this site, in the way they are put up over there, they will stand forever.

Many years ago the Giants transported them for the remotest confines of Africa and set them up in Ireland at a time when they inhabited that country. Their plan was that, whenever they felt ill, baths should be prepared at the foot of the stones for they used to pour water over them and to run this water into baths in which their sick were cured.”

However, 15,000 of the king’s men could not move the stones, Merlin then magically transported them onto ships. Smooth winds carried them to England, and Merlin reset the stones in their Irish pattern.

Later, King Aurelius and his brother (Arthur’s father) were buried at the center of the ring. This legend would then place the building of Stonehenge at around  A.D. 485, nearly 2000 years later than the commonly accepted dated suggested by the technique of radiocarbon dating.