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termination pending: widely consisting members of Alzar and Associates loan in estate normally of 75% or more. Failure to meet these requirements will result in termination of legal bonds and contracting and the repossessions of 25% of your own estate. Situations may vary. 




For over 27 years Alzar and Associates has provided the economy with a strong distinction of pride. At our corporation we feel that the nation starts at home. Located all across the globe Alzar and Associates bring you the best in legal care, standing across the playing field as the best litigation unit within the court system, earning you what you truly deserve. Our Lawyer's fight for what is yours and that's the final say.

Not only have we served the nation at home our corporation has made numerous contributions and funding towards the research of various diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, and even aids. Our Donations are made yearly to many medical facilities and industries spanning from FirstCare Once, to even Red Cross Blue Shield. If your interested and you would like to learn more about who we serve take a visit to our cliental section.

  ©2002 XrDarius Productions Inc. An Entertainment Network. All Rights Reserved.