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I have an Idea that...

I have an idea that of  allhard tasks in this life, one of the hardest is forgiving those who have injuried us, returning good for evil, being big enhought in spirit to forget.Perhaps trying to forgive and forget is  enought for  imperfect men and women...not the achivement so much as that inward spirit which urges us to try to be magnanimous. Even if we fail in so great and high a's much to have tried....Paganini the great Italian violinist, brought audience to their feet all over Europe, and was acclamed as a genius.When he died his beloved violin to the city of his birth, Genoa.But he made one condition..that it must never be played on, but allowed to rest in silence as a tribute to him. But Paganini forgot one thing.....As long as wood is used and handled it wears only slightly. But  as soon it is laid aside and left untouched it begins to decay. So today the beautiful violin has become wormeaten and rotten in its beautiful case. It lie valueless except as a relic, yet had it been used it could still be charming thousand even now. And that, if you'll forgive me, is a bit like a life, isn't it ?.....Don't speak to the neighbours, never lend a helping hand, keep back a word of encouragement, and no one will miss you when you go. But have a cheerful word for everyone, go the extra mile, use the gifts God gave you to make things easier for someone else-and you'll find that not only is there music all the way, but that its memory will never fade...........




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