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Hello there ! Before you venture on , here're some important "rules" to take note of :

(1)Absolutely no profanity , obscence language of any kind , abuses , ridicule etc be directed at anyone here . This is a place for PEACE AND HARMONY . All are welcome to the Hearth . But BASIC COURTESY AND MANNERS are still the usual norm .

(2)All graphics are the courtesy of . They are not be downloaded from here( Including the aminated ones ) . Permission would not be given by me either . If you wish or use view any of the graphics , please go to . Please read their terms and conditions .

(3)For any questions , feedback , comments or questions , you may wish to e-mail me at my address ( which is included at the entrance of my kitchen and pages which have it as well)

(4)Absolutely no magick to harm , manipulate , injure etc others is permitted or to be promoted here . Remember the saying , " What goes around , comes around..." .

(5)All children , when attempting to try out the recipes here , especially that of handing hot water , syrup etc , should always have an ault to help you .

(6)All herbal recipes ( especially thay of medicinal) featured here are suggested ones only . Some herbs may not work the same for everyone . Always seek your doctor's help to determine your sensitivity to the herbs . Proper medical advice and care should not be ignored . Recipes , especially that of medicinal , are meant to be either complementary to or supplementary to your current medical treatment .

(7)If you wish to make use of any of the recipes featured here for your projects ( eg : school projects etc ) , your personal website etc , please SEEK EXPRESS PERMISSION from me .