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The Art Of War News

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December 31 2001

If you go to the Kingdom/Character section in the game, you may notice that there are some extra input fields. They include about your character, about your kingdom, region, more allies, and your real name. If you choose to fill them in, they will appear under your information page in the Lords and Ladies list. For new players, it should appear there automatically, but for existing users you will have to enter it again. I hope it will stop further complaints from users that decide to join, wondering where everything they entered on the application form went.
I have also changed the support page. No longer is it an email address, but now it is a form that you fill in the text fields, including whichever email you want a response sent to, and click submit. It will be instantly delivered to the support team without you having to use your default email client - neat! You can use it when you are stuck by clicking Help at the top of each page.

December 16 2001

Some of you may have noticed that the site's pictures were not appearing on Saturday night/Sunday morning. This was because of an Avidgamers error, and it is happening to all avidgamers sites. Don't worry though, because I've changed the pictures file tags to ensure it won't happen again..

December 11 2001

Now I've really changed things... I don't know whether it is for the best, or the worst. Please let me know. I can easily change it back to how it was, O.K.? All I'm trying to do is create a unique and individual layout like no other site has.

December 9 2001

I have added a new section, the newsletter, which will be written every month. That will include a lot more than this section here. If you would like to recieve it in your email, click here.

December 4 2001

This is the very first news section in The Art Of War. Many more will follow.
Today I have told Sauron to begin again, due to the obvious status of his character in the scrolls. I hope that no one else will follow in his footsteps. A poor example of how to play. Players need to know what happened to get himself killed. His ability to get himself into so many wars and gain so many enemies reached it's peak. The numerous waves of attacks from many wars with many characters all at once was too much. He is to start again, and it will be a fresh start. No player is to hold past grudges on him this time round. If I see players attacking him for what happened earlier on before this time, they will be punished.
On a good note now, I would hope that everyone likes my new layout for the front page and for the gambling area. I have, as I hope you have noticed, a smaller daily gambling feature up. It is always up due to it's tiny profits.
I am hoping to make pages for each occupation only, and also, a real battle arena where others can place bets on the outcome. It may not happen, but it's just one of my wild ideas.

The Art Of War Browser was designed by Lee Duffy.