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Welcome to Anna's Home Page
Hi I'm PeeJaye
Hello My name is James
Hey dudes, I'm Boomer
Dear all,

05 March 2002, End of an ERA.  As an employee of Ansett Australia for almost 14 years, I was quite passionate about seeing the airline back in the skys and am dissapointed that this did not occur.  You will find I have included many photos on this site and also several links that will help ex Ansett staff.

To all the Ansett Family, I wish you all the luck and happiness in the future.  Enjoy the photos and continue to provide support to those who continue to fight for us to obtain our entitlements.

To all my family and friends, I hope you enjoy the photos and I will continue to add to them in the future.

To all, Take care until we see each other again.

Best Wishes,
New links
Please note due to photo numbers I have had to reduce the size of the photos to Thumbnail. 
ASU - Vic
Keep Ansett Flying
Email Hotmail
Email Bigpond
Reunion Photos
Ansett Rally & IOC BBQ
Ansett Rally Melbourne Airport
Ansett Family Day Melbourne
Ansett Finance Happy Hour
Family and Friends - new photos
Other Social Functions - new photos
My Snaps
Ansett MkII First Flights
Ansett Central
Ansett STARS
ASU - National
Nevi and Franks Wedding
Ansett Rally 1 Nov
Baby Chuffa
Baby Corner
Ansett Recovery Party Heat Nightclub
Birthday and Christmas Get Together 21Dec
Jayden's Birthday Party
Werribee Zoo Outing
Torrumbarry 2001-2002
Ansett - End of Ansett Era
Ansett - 1 Year Later
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