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You know You Watch too much X-Men when you do too many of these things. Continuing to watch it could be dangerous to your health! Note that I made all of these up my self and they aren't to be used on any body else's site!

-You wear gloves everyday

-You dye your hair red with white streaks in the front and talk with a southern accent

-You go around calling people bub

-You spend endless hours crashing into walls believing that one day you will phase through them

-You are convinced that the red-headed girl sitting next to you in class is reading your mind

-You are sick of thinking you can go through walls so now you are convinced that if you hit the wall hard enough you will multiply

-You pretend your watch is an image inducer

-You wear red sun glasses everyday, even when the sun isn't out

-You throw fire works at people and claim you are Jubilee

-You put fake wings on and jump off your roof positive you will fly, unfortunately the only thing you end up doing is hitting rock bottom.

-You walk up to the new girl in your class that claims she is from England and say "I know who you really are!"

-You throw cards at people and say they will explode

-In the Middle of a hurricane you run outside and pretend to control the weather
