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Kitty tackles Rogue to
show Logan she isn't
such a "Half-Pint"

In "Rogue Recruit"
struggling to control
Storm's powers.

Not too thrilled about
having Scott as a drama

Looking sad

Going to see if Kurt is ok
after hearing an explosion

In "Turn of the Rogue"
riding a snow mobile

Arguing with Kitty
and Evan

Rogue tries to touch
Sabertooth but he has her

same picture with a
back view

Gotta love the look on
her face!

Rogue phases with Kitty
to unlatch Juggernauts

Yelling at Kitty for phasing
through the bathroom
while she was in it

Blow drying her hair   

Regretting being all
covered up on their
way to the beach

Trapped with Jean and
Storm for not joining

Kitty and Scott rush to
make sure Rogue is ok.

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