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Alrtee's Lair

I love the North Country. The mountains and all the beauty therein. These pages are dedicated to that beauty and folklore. Enjoy and come back often. May you have peace and love in your life.

A little background....

I live in the midwest, bean and corn country. Actually grew up in the deserts and mountains of Arizona. My friend introduced me to the extreme North. He had lived there most all his life, in and around the Artic Circle, and the Yukon.

I am a bit of an adventurer, trying new things and experiences. Never really sticking to the norm. I had never been to Canada or out of the US before. I ventured to the Yukon, if God had a masterpiece anywhere on this planet it's in the Yukon. The beauty and grandure of the mountains, sky, auroras, just magnificient. It was like being in a picture painted by the Masters. We traveled around the Yukon and we danced to the Northern Lights. The beauty there is truly God's finest work and brings you closer to Him, makes you realize how small we are in the scheme of things.

The aurora's were magnificent, like a neon green streak through the sky, constantly changing shape and size, dancing in the sky. They played with you and seemed to chase you. The is no describing this wonder, it has to be experienced.

The mountains were breath taking and beckoning you to follow them to the next rise and beyond. You can loose yourself there. It makes you realize just how insignificant all the problems in the world are. Here is true peace and tranquility.

I hope to return one day for once you have been there, you feel a yearning to return. The magic of the Yukon touches your very soul and beckons your heart to return to the vast wilderness of what I believe is heaven on Earth.

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Pictures & Informational Sites

Alaska Pages
Northern Lights Gallery
Yukon Quest
My Pictures

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