updated with a shoutouts page. but half way through i kinda started to realize most of my "friends" are shits. so it kinda turned into a shoutout/flame page ;).

well at first i got sick of my site after a few weeks, but now i'm back in action. for those of you who happen to hate my site, i dont give shit. you dont have to come. no one is making you. as for your flaming, make a more logical stand for your views ok? wtf is with this "your gay and so is your site" crap? min is the only one who actually had a point in flaming me, the rest of you are jsut full of shit because you cant state why my site sucks. too bad fuckers. no cigar for you. for instance, this prick who thinks he can be witty by making fun of me:
HAHA man i dont have time for this talk crap... ummm..... u used to suck at sc, but u got better though i got to admit, ur actually good for being azn; funny how u got smacked by that philip guy w/ ur f1 dream car. LEARN MORE BY STUDYING HAHA THATS WUT NERDS DO AND UR A NERD RITE? o ok good LATEX...... LATEZ>>>>

morons like you shuold rot in hell.

o and btw, mark likes boob contests.

updated with some new links, pictures, and tweaked the site so there isn't as many broken links, and so it's more pleasing to eye :P. here is a funny thing jacob posted on his profile. and we all know what jacob usually does in class....
damn school.. i hate that place. i hate the grades i hav there nd a few of the teachers despise me jus for the reason that i sleep almost evryday. i can understand that but if they give me another 'u' for sleepin i will really really hate my school and grades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u hav gone through this.. or u have any suggestions as to what kind of habits i should have at home so that i can work more consistently and turn in all my assignments, and do well on tests please tell me so i can find some way to transform myself into that person. thx

ok i updated some more stuff, mainly tweaking the site. added new transcript aobut how you can get AIDS. go check it out. its' funny.

updated a bit. added new links, a picture of tom hanks, and some other places too. updated transcripts with some funny shit, so go check it out.

added some new pictures...also took down the poll becuase some people found it funny to be an asshole to me thx gw fag.

see transcripts for an analysis of the "blackmailing" jung incident. lol what a bastard...

new poll up...go vote for my personality.

here is a little something min kim posted in my guest book...
I see that you like writing nonsense which is what this whole damn page is. Just cause your in the hgm doesn't make you special, a majority of you guys don't get that yet. i have lots of thoughts on this that i dont' have the energy to type. i hope you guys have learned what ive noticed before you guys get to college, where you're nothing just like you should be but all the stupid ppl around you......whatever, i dont' want to get into, cause a lot of you guys might hate my ass for saying whats on my mind. Yeah i know some of the ppl in the hgm are actually brainiacs but.....

Hey you write that you are gonna kill ppl. Ive never seen it but ppl have told me so why don't you get the balls and do it. Shoot me bitch. I just want ot shut your ass up cause sometimes youcan be fucking annoying as hell. I don't treasure life, bring a gun to school just you say you are. Lets what you are all about you histrionic shit.
i'll let you be the judge and interpret it.

also added a "loser/idiot" list in my miscellaneous sectoin. go check it out and see who i hate. and if you don't like it, too bad for you.

added a picture of guilluame patry, aka X'Ds~Grrrr..., world sc champion. go check him out. and thank you all for coming to my site and making a contributoin. i got 100+ hits in 3 days! thank you all and keep coming back!
ROFL GO TO MARK's site. i just made a amazing discovery. that picutre of the guy in the costume (saiyaman) is actually joseph. PWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. lol it's funnier if you go see it.
mark's site

Added two new pictures, of which both of them i'm sure will be thoroughly enjoyed. ALso tweaked the site around a bit, so as to make it look a bit better, with out all the wierd "my homepage" crap on the top.

later that day...

ok i added even more stuff, so come check it out.

whew. BIG update, new format, with multi pages. cool eh? i'm still searching for material to put in, so bear with me if it's empty. wow i already have 40 something hits gogo me!

Grand OPening of my webpage. Also the anniversary of the "terrorist" attacks on the World Trade Centers.