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!-Last Napster Notice-!

Napster Sucks Now! Last week the goverment made napster take all 100% of Šopyrighted music off the servers. Before they had a little way to pass the goverment but that didn't work out a matter a fact that could of got them in to more trouble. Well I recomend to delelte napster although I found a few other good programs where you can d/l music from heres one for now WinMX

New Webmaster

Hey! everyone I wanted to let you know that Univeral Music has a new webmaster now. I am realy good w/ updates so every day you should get atleast 10 updates knowing me :-D well thats it for now bye!

The Red Worm

Hello everyone did you here about the code red worm! Who didn't well I wanted to take you beond where news takes you. The red worm was made to hit 8pm eatern August 1, 2001. First on the White House site the the net! Well it only effects webservers writen in VB. VB is a very powerfull language a lot of your viruses today are writen in it. Well thats it on that topic ^,^.
Sign up for the Web Ring!
Just a reminder to everone, sign up for the Universal Music Web Ring.. its over at Join it and watch your site get the traffic it deserves! Make sure you follow all the rules, I have been seeing no image come on certain sites, if that continues, your site will be taken off! Thank You!

Copyright Notice