Green Squadron

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Welcome to the Green Squadron Homepage

What is Green Squadron?

Green Squadron is an online piloting group for the LucasArts space combat simulation game X-Wing Alliance.

What is TRA?
TRA stands for The Rebel Alliance. It is an online gaming organization that supports the games X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Free Space 2, and Allegiance. It is divided into three wings. Wing One supports X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, Wing Two supports X-Wing Alliance, Free Space 2 and Allegiance, and Wing III supports X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, but for non North American pilots (this is done due to minimize the problem created by the massive time zone differences). The Rebel Alliance is a part of the Dark Jedi Organization gaming community, which hosts a number of gaming divisions.

Green Squadron

This site was built by Navy Captain Myn Donos with some content provided by Vice Admiral Togorian.
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