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Why Georgia is a worm

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As you see Georgia accepting the Super Bowl trophy, this is the LA Ramfans reaction when she said this trophy is only for the St. louis fans. LISTEN What I love is these St. Louis Ramfans that say "leave the woman alone".

Like they are some kind of caring person. But, when you mention the name Bill Bidwell, these kind and gentler people start cursing and yelling "that son of a bitch bidwell".

Let me tell you that I can trump you with 3 Georgia actions to just one bidwell action. There is so much evidence on georgia being the worst owner of a sports team who happened to murder her husband.

Oh I hear you say "prove it'. Well, I can't. But would you like to know how the IRS found out about georgia and dominic frontierre ticket scalping of super bowl 14?

Well, a guy who was waiting for his trial in chicago made a deal for lesser prison time with the feds. You see, he was friends with dominic and georgia and knew all about the scalping of tickets to super bowl 14.

Would you like to know what he was going to prison for? setting up contracts on people. anyway, this is what georgia hears all night long in that little inbred brain of hers. THE DEMONS IN GEORGIA BRAIN