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The tragedy that hit the United Stated States on September 11, 2001 struck not only myself, but that Nation as well. As a citizen of the U.S.A., and as a singer songwriter, I needed to let my emotions let go. I did so through my music. I wrote a song on September 12, 2001 in memory of this whole tragic experience. I hope that as many people as possible get a chance to hear this song. I think it will hit a lot of people in an emotional way.

  • I give all the people of the world permission to make as many copies of any kind of this song in any format. I also give any media, and all radio stations permission to play this song as many times as they would like. No one has permission to make copies of this song and sell them. This song cannot be used for any movie or any thing dealing with selling a product without the personal permission of Michael Laechel. I hope that everyone visiting this page will hear my song and will pass on the news about this song. I hope you all enjoy it very much.

    To hear this song instantly, you will have to download the FREE Real Audio Player on your computer. It will take up very little space, and will download quickly. After you download the FREE program, you will be able to hear my songs instantly when you click on the song links below. Click on this link right now to download free player.
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    Click this link now to instantly hear Michael Laechel's song he wrote for the Nation: "Love"

    Click this link now to download a free copy of Michael Laechel's song in Real Audio format: "Love"

    Click this link now to download a free copy of Michael Laechel's song in MP3 format: "Love"
    (If you have a problem downloading this file in this format, follow the directions below to get a free copy E-Mailed to you.)

  • "To receive the new song, LOVE in MP3 format for FREE via E-mail, enter your E-Mail below."-

    By entering your E-mail address, your E-Mail address will not be sold to anyone, or given to any company. The only reason I am having you do this is so you can own the song for free. I have no other way to give out copies of this song to people, so I thought this was the best way.

    To receive your free copy of the song, "LOVE" in MP3 format, enter your e-mail address:

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    (This MP3 file is 5.35MB. Some E-Mail addresses cannot receive a file this large, like Hotmail + Yahoo. Check with your E-Mail provider how much MB your E-Mail can receive in attachments. To correctly receive this MP3 attachment, you will probably need a E-Mail account from a big service provider and/or a cable modem company.)


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    Please understand that I am getting many E-Mails from people all around the world right now due to all of this. I will return your E-Mail as soon as possible.