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My goodness. This tune at a Splash Page. Could it be? Yes yes, he has returned after 2 years of hibernation!

Ahh did you miss me? What? Don't recognize the new look? Well its me, the survivor of all bad website conditions, Snifit Brod!! I'm now known as Ryu Shodan though. But eh the old name was more confusing don't ya think? ^_^;;

Anyway, if any of you are wondering where my site went, it disappeared. without warning took off my site, my...three years of hard work gone....But not to worry I'm planning to come back with a better site then ever. Loyal fans shall wait no longer? Loyal fans? Hello? Oh well, for any of you who ARE here, let it be known my site won't be mainly of Megaman anymore, don't get me wrong I still like it and all, and I do miss all the e-mails, but with their recent games sucking and all, I don't feel like making a site mainly on it. Don't worry, my new site will have things mainly consisting of what I'm known for: Comics, Animations, and games.

Well I guess thats it, see ya'll later!!
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