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Site News and Important Updates

29 Novmeber 2001: I decided on a cool layout, well i think its cool anyway and im gonna stick with this layout and not change it any further as layout's take a long time to work on when you are changing things all the time. anyway not so long ago I learnt a valid lesson that it is not the website looks that get you the hits. Its the website content. If you have great stuff then people are gonna visit your site so that they can get the great stuff that you have available. Anyway catch ya laters


23 November 2001: Today i finally finished my education for good, thank goodness for that now i have time during my summer holidays to build this site up properly and get it running fully.


22 November 2001: Today was my birthday i even forgot about it for most of the day and then when i needed the date i realised that it was my birthday.


21 November 2001: Today i redesigned the entire Golden Oozaru Anime website to look new i thank you to all my previous web site visitors and thank you for visiting I hope you appreciate the new look web site and will continue to look at my web site and enjoy the content.


21 November 2001: There are spots available on this site for content writers, If you would like to write content and have input to this website feel free tocontact Golden_Oozaru on DALNET by using the mIRC client. Or you can simply e-mail me at


Are you after Anime multimedia?????

feel free to check our mIRC section, File server section and FTP server section to find out where you can download anime and anime content. As a fan website we do not host anime content because of the legalalities of anime content that is copyrighted. If you are after multimedia then you can explore this website to find out programs you can use to get hold of anime in different places.

Current Golden Oozaru anime projects:

Anime Profiler 1.0: This is a program made using the Visual basic studio 6.0 it includes footage of anime cartoons, images,character profiles, and various other information about anime, This first program version will only include the anime Dragonball Z, other anime's will follow as the program develops.

Dbz V.s. Capcom M.U.G.E.N: This ia 2D fighting game based upon the MUGEN 2D fighting engine it has many Dragonball Z Characters, and they have to battle it out with the Marvel and Capcom characters to discover who the most supreme fighters in the universe really are, it will include great music, enormous character selection and best fighting stages you could think of in a MUGEN game

Fan Art Manga: I am currently thinking about creating a Fan art manga based upon the Dragonball characters this is a hugely popular anime and development of this project could very possibly go ahead, however this project is still just a thought and there are currently no development plans or anything put into practice just yet so stand by on this project....

Dragonball Music Videos: I am also planning to put together some Dragonball music videos made from bits and pieces of Dragonball Z scenes etc. and some really cool soundtracks..sound cool check back later for updates on this project in development.

Dedicated Trunks Page: This page is under development by |-BluSh-| it is a site dedicated to Trunksand has heaps of information about him, heaps of pictures. A great site for the Trunks' enthusiasts. 8)