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Season 2

Digi Destined

Story Line

Three years have passed since the first season, there are four new digidestined and new evil. With the use of new items called Digi-eggs the digimon can now armor digivolve. They also start to DNA digivolve as seen in the Digimon Movie.

Name: Davis Motomiya
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimentals: Courage and Friendship
Digimon: Veemon
Digicolor: Blue
Description: Davis is the new leader of the Digidestined. Davis is in grade 5 at Odaiba Elementary. He's in Kari's class and has a crush on her. Therefore, he's kind of jealous about TK's friendship with Kari. He's into sports(soccer especially) and received Tai's goggles as a token of his courage. He's short-tempered and often loses his cool. He was the first one to accept Ken into the group.

Name:Yolei Inoue
Age: 13
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimentals: Love and Sincerity
Digimon: Hawkmon
Digicolor: Red
Description: Yolei is in grade 6 at Odaiba Elementary. She's full of energy. With her trademark glasses, she's a computer expert. Her parents run a convenience store. She pretty good friends with Cody since they live in the same building. Also she and Mimi are soulsisters ever since they met the first time. She also has a big crush on Ken, especially when she sees him at the soccer game against Davis' Team. In the season finale of season 2 it shows that she and have gotten married and have 2 kids.

Name: TK Takasihi
Age: 11
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimentals: Hope
Digimon: Patamon
Digicolor: Green
Description: TK is in Grade 5 at Odaiba Elementary. He's a lot taller now, and plays on the school basketball team.He is no longer the crybaby and is very close to his brother Matt. His parents are still divorced, but he now lives in Odaiba although separate from Matt and his father. He lives in the same building as Yolei and Cody and met them on the first day of school. Many of the girls at school chase TK around, but he isn't really interested in them. Although he does have a huge crush on Kari but has worked up the courage to ask her out yet.

Name: Kari Kamiya
Age: 11
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimentals: Light
Digimon: Gatomon
Digicolor: Pink
Description: Kari is in Grade 5 at Odaiba Elementary. She's a lot stronger now, not always getting sick ( she had the flu while the first digidestined were at camp and found about the Digital World) and has a bright personality. She has a new hobby, photography, and carries her digital camera wherever she goes. She knows that Davis has a crush on her and purposely flirts and takes TK side in arguments to make him jealous. She is Tai younger sister.

Name: Ken Ichijouji
Age: 11
School: Tamachi Elementary School
Digimentals: Kindness
Digimon: Wormmon
Digicolor: Black
Description: For the first half of the season Ken is the Digimon Emperor and he believes that he is better than everyone else, even his parents because he is a genius. So he sets out to take over the Digital World. During the second half though Ken becomes part of the digidestined team after the digidestined defeat him and he learns that digimon are real and deals with the pain in his life.

Name: Cody Hida
Age: 9
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimentals: Knowledge and Reliability
Digimon: Armadillomon
Digicolor: Yellow
Description: Cody is in grade 3 at Odaiba Elementary. Although he is the youngest of the kids, he acts mature for his age, perhaps too mature.... He likes to do things at his own pace, and often has problems communicating with the others. His grandfather teaches kendo (Japanese fencing), and Cody's been learning it since he was little. He was choosen as one of the digidestined because he witnessed two digimon fighting when the sky was split with the digital world and caused his plane to crash.


Name: Tai Kamiya
Age: 14
School: Junior High Grade 2(Grade 8)
Crest: Courage
Digimon: Augumon
Digicolor: Orange
Description: Tai has grown from the impulsive kid he was 3 years ago into a big brother, looking after the safety of the new kids. He's forgotten about the rivalry between himself and Matt, and is now good friends with him. He is very busy from helping the new kids with their adventure and playing soccer.

Name: Matt Ishida
Age: 14
School: Junior High Grade 2(Grade 8)
Crest: Friendship
Digimon: Gabumon
Digicolor: Blue
Description: Matt has decided to grow his hair longer, and is the lead singer and gutaire player in an amateur band. He apparently has many fans (surprise, surprise ^_^), including Davis's sister, June. He has become closer with his brother TK and has also taken up an interest in cooking.

Name: Sora Takenouchi
Age: 14
School: Junior High Grade 2 (Grade 8)
Crest: Love
Digimon: Biyomon
Digicolor: Red
Description: Sora now plays tennis and has also taken up learning about flowers from her mother. She has also developed an interest in Matt. ^_^

Name: Izzy Izumi
Age: 13
School: Junior High Grade 1 (Grade 7)
Crest: Knowledge
Digimon: Tentomon
Digicolor: Purple
Description: Izzy has grown dramatically, but is the same computer expert as before and has friends on the net from all over the world. Together with Tai, and Matt he's supporting the new kids in their adventure.

Name: Joe Kido
Age: 15
School: Final year of Junior High School (Grade 9) at a private school
Crest: Reliability
Digimon: Gomamon
Digicolor: Grey
Description: Joe is now very busy studying for senior high school entrance exams, but will come to the aid of his friends when necessary. He's grown his hair long like Matt. He's also overcome the lack of self-confidence he had before.

Name: Mimi Tachikawa
Age: 13
School: Junior High Grade 1 (Grade 7)
Crest: Sincerity
Digimon: Palmon
Digicolor: Green
Description: Mimi no longer lives in Japan. She now lives in America and has dyed her hair pink(her favorite color), with star sparkles! She and Yolei become good friends. She has digidestined friends in America one which is Micheal and her hair goes back to it natural color later.