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Season 1

Digi Destined

Story Line

The first season is about 7 kids that go to summer camp and get transported into the digital world. But they do not know that's the name and they meet these odd little creatures called Digimon. The Digimon Can Digivolve(or Evolve) into bigger more powerful Digimon. The kids are called the Digidestined. The Digidestined each have a digivice and a crest. Their crest and Digivice work together and help the Digimon digivolve. Together the Digidestined and the Digimon battle against the evil Digimon to protect the Digital World.

Name: Tai Kamiya
Age: 11
School: Grade 5 at Odaiba Elementary
Crest: Courage
Digimon: Augumon
Digicolor: Orange
Description: Tai doesn't like homework very much, but is great at sports. He plays on the same soccer team with Sora. Kari is his little sister. He acts as the leader of the group. He is also impulsive, jumping into situations without thinking about the consequences of his actions. He always wants to fight his way out of situation. Tai and Matt often clash due to Tai's personality.

Name: Sora Takenouchi
Age: 11
School: Grade 5 at Odaiba Elementary
Crest: Love
Digimon: Biyomon
Digicolor: Red
Description: Sora is a bit of a tom-boy, preferring to play soccer with the boys, despite her mother wanting her to become a florist. She is a caring person who always looks out for her friends. She keeps a cool head and tries not to get involved in others' fights.

Name: Matt Ishida
Age: 11
School: Grade 5 at Odaiba Elementary
Crest: Friendship
Digimon: Gabumon
Digicolor: Blue
Description: Matt is trained in the martial arts. T.K. is his little brother. He lives with his father who is a news reporter. He doesn't live with TK because their parents are divorced 3 years ago. Because of this, Matt doesn't spend much time with TK and is very protective of him. Mr. Cool, is the rebel of the group. He is a bit of a loner, preferring to do things his own way and needing his own space. He often goes off to play his harmonica. His desire to do things his own way often causes tension between him and Tai, and fights often break out between them.

Name: Izzy Izumi
Age: 10
School: Grade 4 at Odaiba Elementary
Crest: Knowledge
Digimon: Tentomon
Digicolor: Purple
Description: Izzy was adopted when he was very young by his distant realtives after his parents died in an accident. He overheard his parents discussing this one day and has since buried himself in his computer to become the expert he is now. Izzy is the computer expert of the group. He sometimes get so caught up in trying to analyze everthing that he ignores his friends. But Izzy is not a "geek", he doesn't really fit the profile of a nerd. He always has a theory for what's going on, and is an indispensible part of the group.

Name: Mimi Tachikawa
Age: 10
School: Grade 4 at Odaiba Elementary
Crest: Sincerity
Digimon: Palmon
Digicolor: Green
Description: Mimi is in the same class as Izzy. Her favourite colour is pink, as you can probably tell from her clothes. She was spoiled while being brought up, and is a bit irresponsible. Mimi is in one word... clueless. She often complains about being tired or about her clothes even in the face of danger.

Name: T.K. Takaishi
Age: 8
School: Grade 2 at Kawada Elementary
Crest: Hope
Digimon: Patamon
Digicolor: Yellow
Description: The reason T.K. doesn't go to Odaiba Elelmentary like the others is because he lives with his mother. He is Matt's kid brother. Their parents divorced 3 years ago. He is the youngest of the group. At first he's a cry baby which is understandable since he's so young. But his adventures in the Digital World make him stronger and he understands why Matt over-protects him.

Name: Kari Kamiya
Age: 8
School: Grade 2 at Odaiba Elementary
Crest: Light
Digimon: Gatomon
Digicolor: Pink
Description: Kari is Tai's younger sister. She originally was not part of the Digidestined because she missed summer camp due to a cold and therefore wasn't sucked into the Digital World. She joins them later when she finds out that Gatomon is her Digimon. Her kindness and strength of character is an asset to the group.

Name: Joe Kido
Age: 12
School: Grade 6 at Odaiba Elementary
Crest: Reliability
Digimon: Gomamon
Digicolor: Gray
Description: Joe's father is a doctor, and his brother Jim is in med school. His parents want him to become a doctor so he's always studying even though he doesn't really want to be a doctor. With those glasses of his, Joe is the nerd in the group. A hypochondriac, he constantly complains about his allregies. He's passive and often would rather do nothing than fight. As the oldest in the group, he feels compelled to protect the others and is always there for them despite his fears.