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Other Digidestined

Name: Yuri, Sonya, and Anna
Digimon: Kuwagamon, Sinimon, and Unimon
Description: They are from the episode "World Tour Pt.2" and it is Sora and Yolei that are sent to Russia to return the stray digimon with the help of Yuri,Sonya and Anna. Although they have a little trouble communicating at first they soon find a way using the words peruski(left), borshst(right) and caviar(attack).
Country: Russia
Name: Derek
Digimon: Garnimon
Description: Cody and Joe went to Australia to return the digimon and met up with a jenji and Derek. His digimon was helping him get away from some sea digimon which were scared away when Cody and Joe started talking about eating them in rice bowls.
Name: Rosa
Digimon: Gotsumon
Description: Matt and Ken flew down to Mexico and met up with a young digidestined named Rosa who had a crush on Ken. Wormmon got jealous and for most of the time her and Wormmon were fighting, but they became friends in the end.
Country: Mexico
Name: Mina
Digimon: Meramon
Description: Kari and Izzy along with the Hoi brothers meet up with Mina while attempting to cross into China, but the chinese military stand in their way. With the help of the Hoi brothers digimon they are able to tell the chinese " we come in peace".
Country: India
Name: Catherine
Digimon: Floramon
Description: TK and Tai travel to France to help Catherine but she is taken hostage by some digimon. So TK and Tai along with TK's grandfather save her and return the digimon.
Country: France
Name: Lou
Digimon: Tortomon
Description: Davis, Mimi, and Micheal are in New York and met Lou who helped them rescue the digimon.
Country: America

Name: Steve
Digimon: Frigimon
Description: Davis, Mimi, and Micheal are in New York and met Steve who helped them rescue the digimon.
Country: America
Name: Phil (Sam)
Digimon: Flarelizamon
Description: Davis, Mimi, and Micheal went to help Phil when one of the digimon, Cherrymon, started attacking the Christmas tree in the Rockefeller Square.
Country: America
Name: Maria
Digimon: Centarumon
Description: Davis, Mimi, and Micheal are in New York and met Maria who helped them rescue the digimon.
Country: America
Name: Micheal
Digimon: Betamon
Description: Davis met Micheal, who's dad flew them in his plane to New York. There they met Mimi and helped save the digimon.
Country: America
The Hoi Brothers
Name: The Hoi Brothers
Digimon: Shakkoumon
Description: Kari and Izzy met the Hoi Brothers and together they saved the lost digimon. Also, all of the Hoi brothers had a crush on Kari and wouldn't stop arguing over her.
Country: Hong Kong, China
Name: Willis
Digimon: Terriermon and Kokomon
Description: Willis is from the movie and he meets the other digi destined when he needs help saving one of his digimon, Kokomon. He has twin digimon and had to deal with the situation by himself because he didn't have any digi destined friends. He is a flirt and liked Kari and Yolei and kissed them when he left to go back home. Davis was very upset! ( suprise surprise.. >_<;; )
Country: Colorado, America